This is a continuation of my notes from a presentation given by Mark Merrill. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
How to find people: network with other speakers.
- Follow other speakers. Brag a lot and find out where they have spoken. Write down where they spoke so you can see where you need to pitch.
- For Utah: financial planners’ conferences. See when conferences are. Find the meeting g planner.
- It is the timing. If it is two weeks before hope week.
- Start a conversation you know someone is doing a meeting. Send a short email to begin the conversations to give them some bait.
- One sheet: tell who you are what your topics are your cover, and past clients, testimonials. And attach to an email. Maybe include it in the follow-up email.
- Pay agencies to find a gig. Gig masters bid on projects.
- People will look at the most professional.
When you are bidding
- Teaming up with others help.
- One responded with immediate email and then did a phone call after. The early bird gets the worm.
- To find out who your competing against create a fake person and offer a gig and see how others respond.
- Gig salad: website
- On your website list what you’ve spoken at for the last year.
- 3 websites Nameauthor; Namespeaker ; Namestoryteller
- Email needs to list how your speech can help or benefit their conference.
- The best marketing is a great presentation.
- People will hop from topic to topic around their speech and not focus.
- Relationships take time to develop.
- Facebook to follow: Nasmountain west, Toputahspeakers, Speakers, authors, coaches network
- Toastmasters
- You’ll never know who follows you.
- Groups; Favorite speakers, Women’s conference
Example of a website:
- On her opening page, she has a video with no volume. So that sounds does not pop up when someone might view the video while in the office. (but have a button to turn on the volume.
- Offer her book 7 cookie skills for free. Give it to free if they join the email list.
- Shows different genera’s of speeches.
- Lists best speaker’s events.
- Demo videos and see her in action.
- Another website has a picture of the speaker. Button call to action: make an app.
- You have 8 secs for a website to load.
- We want to see a benefit. A subtitle or title need to promise something.
- No greyscale on your website.
- One website shows icons of business she’s speaking for.
- Need an idea of what topic of speeches
- Photo face viewer or face in.
- Does it pass the cavemen test? In three grunts have what you want? Understand your skill
- The website shows you who and what you are.
- Some may have a YouTube channel.