One Person’s Life Plan, 6-7-21
These are notes from toastmasters. I came in late so I did not get all the good advice that was offered here. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- There are good idea of setting goals and reflect on those goals each morning. Focus crates clarity. Focus crates agency. Take the wheel.
- Direct a story and move into it.
Hero on a million life plan.
- Victor Frankl-A meaningful life doesn’t happen by accident. Meaningful in life has three things
- Spend 20 mins on your goals each morning.
- A project-be in motion.
- A positive perspective.
- A community
- Step 1:
- Reverse engineering your life. Begin with the end in mind. Write your eulogy. What feat purpose stands out? Your eulogy will be a defense for the meaning of your life. An embarrassing bold eulogy.
- Step 2:
- Cast a vision for your life. Plan the next 10 years. To reach the 10 yr. goal, ask what is your five year goal and build small goals into mig.
- Step 3:
- short-term mission. Plan for the next 10 years.
- Step 4:
- Define your story summary. A log line: a challenge you have to overcome.
- Step 5:
- Short-term goals
- Who are you partnering with to reach this goal? Sacrifice is necessary to reach your goal.