Take back your financial future.
- How we got into our financial situation
- March 9th felt impact of Canova virus. The stock market crash more drops after that. One day 13% drop. One day. 22 trade days drops 30%
- Lost jobs 14% many have been out of work for six months.
- Industry of hostilely d lost 1.4 billion. 50 billion bailout for flight industry. 118 billion lost revenue 2020.
- Many companies closed. Roughly 25% of GDP
- Contention election, capital riot. Democrats control congress
- Unemployment rate in Dec 6.7 un employment
- Where could we go from here?
- Vix is a vitality index
- Non-elections years 16-to 56
- Election years 23-2-92.
- With bailouts, taxes will have to go up.
- Will see continued volatility in market, unemployment issues
- When can you to do to take control over finances future
- determined your continued risk.
- Warren buffet: rule
- Never lose money. Rule
- Don’t ever forget rule 1.
If you had one mill in stock market and lost half you get 500 if you increase 50% met gain would be 750K.
- Get a complete free risk analysis.
It’s insane to risk what you have for something you don’t need –warren buffet.
- Minimize future taxes wherever possible. Not all CPA has extensive tax knowledge.
- Traditional IRA pays taxes at retirement, Roth IRA you pay in advance. You paid taxes already. Compare it to a farmer. Would you prefer to pay tax on seed or on the hardest of the field?
- Maybe transfer tradition IRA to convert to Roth and pay taxes now. Good for those who currently have a low tax bracket.
- <not all CPAs do tax planning
Get a complimentary Rough to IRA transfer
- Ensure your foundation is solid.
- At retirement seek a consistent and reliable income stream
- . Maybe health issues or inconsistent or instable payments.
- Written income plan? Has your financial provider provided that?
- When is it starting and where will it come from?
- In what order
- How will it grow?
- How will it account for health issues?
- How long will it last?
- Need an advisor who gets you through retirement.