This is a talk at church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– We lived as spirit children with our heavenly parents had counsel in heaven. The pan of salvation was presented. Two brothers want to help with the plan.
– One wanted to follow the plan and no one will be lost. Satan wanted the glory. Those that followed Satan during the war of heaven were cast out.
– Christ, I will go what God has commanded. Prepare a way. And they can use their agency. All the glory to God.
- Garden of Eden
– Adam and Eve were the first to be to earth and inhabit the earth and live in the Garden of Eden.
– Eve and Adam took the fruit and had to leave the garden.
– They did not have God’s presence constantly in their life.
– As time went on man fell away.
– There was only one who could pay the price to enable God’s children to return to heaven. Christ would make the perfect selfless act.
– Man is an enemy to God unless he yields to the enticing of the spirit.
– No unclean thing can dwell in the kingdom of God.
– Alma: it was expedient that an atonement be done or all would bel sot.
- The Garden of Gethsemane
– The lord did the last supper what was the first sacrament
– Led friends to Gethsemane, Christ knew he would be betrayed.
– Luke: he was withdrawn from them and knelt down and prayed. Christ says “remove this cup, thy will be done. Being in agony he prayed. Great drops of blood.
– Christ’s words: I suffered these things for all
– Christ captured, judged, and put up on the cross.
– Taken to the garden tomb to be buried
- The Garden Tomb
– Christ did rise to a new life, perfect.
– Mary was the first person to see him. He talked to her and she recognized his voice.
– He taught his disciples. about the resurrection and his work. Told them to go out into the world to spread his word.
– God will redeem us and cleanse our sins.