This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:
C: connection: Learn how to connect to self, others, and God
I defend connections as the energy that exists between people when they fee seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. – Dr. Brene Brown.
Signs of disconnect offered by Jodi Hilabrand therapist
1. Develop addictions
2. We have unexplained fears
3. We have thoughts full of distortions and we believe false belief of ourselves. Such as, I’m unworthy or I am unlovable. I am not enough. I’m stupid. I’m bad.
4. Don’t know how to hold boundaries lack
How to set boundaries.
5. We engage in fighting in our relationships and ourselves.
6. Self-neglect
7. We have confusion about reality and what reality is and what truth is.
8. We engage in hatred and blaming
9. We have intense sadness, grief, entitlement, long-standing resentment, anger, and unwillingness to repent or forgive. Lack of compassion and the unwillingness to surrender.
10. We refuse to move forward.
11. We take things personally
12. We take people personally.
13. We engage in controlling behaviors and mindsets.
14. We are constantly distracting others and ourselves from what is present.
We need to connect it in three areas.
1. Self:
Come to understand who you are,
How god feels about you.
What your purpose is.
What is expected of you?
You learn self-love and care.
2. Others:
Four qualities of Empathy – by Teres Wiseman
a. See the world as others see it.
B. be nonjudgmental
C. understand another person’s feelings
D. communicate our understanding of that person’s feelings
3. God: having such a relationship can unchain the divinity within us. And nothing can make a greater difference in our lives as we come to know and understand the divine relationship with God – James E. Faust.
Luke 15 of the Prodigal Son illustrates God’s love.
David Belmar: how to hear God’s voice.
A. feast upon his words
B. pray with real intent.
C. seeks for the Holy Ghost.
Our good shepherd. – Dale D railman April 2017 General Conference.
How God communicates with us Gal ?:22-23; 1 Cor. 2:9-11; John 14:26-27; John 15:26; John 16:8, 13-14; Almas 13:12; Moroni 10:5; Exodus 31:3-5; DC 8:2-3;
The power & science of social connections: Emma Seppala – Ted talk
Why our brains are wired to be social.
Connect or die: the surprising power of human relationships – ted talk.
Mosiah 2:17