Protecting our families from pornography Part C


This is a continuation of the workshop from the Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. In this section, we will discuss:

B: Educate: Why is pornography dangerous & what to do when you see it?
Kids and teen brains are maturing. Brain Matures around age 25.
If never too early or late to teach your kids.
Create a safe place they can talk and have conversations often.
Don’t monopolize the conversation.
Conversations may happen while walking, doing dishes or tucking them in bed etc.
Discuss ways how they can approach you with questions. Walkthrough some scenarios. You might even have a code phrase that alerts parents they want to discuss something such as “Are we having brownies tonight?
Caution kids to not google things they hear at school.
Be willing to answer questions. If the kids are old enough to ask those questions, then you need to be ready to give age-appropriate answers.
It is very important that you create a no trouble bubble so that kids don’t fear approaching you on delicate issues.
Alma 47 Corrupt man Amalickiah, wants to be King of the Nephites. Denied, he joins the Lamanites. He joins Laminates. Kills the leader of a faction of laminates who don’t want to fight. Compare this of the leader leaving his bounders and is poisoned drop by drop just as pornography kills slowly.
Four ways to teach kids while their brains are developing
1. Discuss the consequences of actions.
2. Remind them of their resilience, competence, and what they can control.
3. Spend quality time together and show interest in things they like.
4. Ask your kids how they want to respond when they come to us with a problem.

How does Pornography affect the brain? Video
Donald L Hilton Jr. MD speaks to youth and parents about Pornography and its impact on the brain. Video
How porn affects the brain. Fight the new drug. Video
Pornography and the Brain: understanding by David Hilton
John Foubert, Ph.D. interview – Truth about porn

b. Timbers the height of a man. (Educate: why is pornography anger & what to do when you see it.
C: connection Frame of pickets strong and high (learn how to connect to self, others, and God
d. Manager emotions: put in towers overlooking the pickets (Manage Emotions: teach how to manage emotions and Have a healthy mindset.

Teaching goals.
Teach your family by using three categories: science, stories, and scriptures.
Studies show that teenagers learn best while using stories and science
For scriptures, Boyd K packer said, true doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behavior. The study of the doctrine of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than the study of behavior will change behavior.
As we teach we want to explain the why we do, especially related to boundaries.
Resources for teaching are available at the website
Maybe discuss with the child the times might see pornography. Then brainstorm on different strategies on how to prevent access. Even role play. The more practice the more it’ll instill what to do in a situation that might have high emotions.
A. what to do if you see porn on the laptop?
B. what do you see if you see porn on TV
Discuss how they may feel when they see pornography? Then what can they do to occupy the mind to prevent concentrating upon the image? Maybe name the players on your favorite team and their position. Sing a song or recite a poem. Remember the words of your favorite scripture. Maybe do math facts.
Call a friend. Play a game with siblings. Do a service project. Look at funny pictures that make you laugh. Find an inspirational video. Fill your mind with positive things.
Practice your plan often and praise your kids every time they follow the plan.

Teach healthy sexuality.
-use the correct terminology.
Chasity means sex and sexual acts. (May have my notes wrong here)
Often teens who are the most sexually active are the least informed.
Discuss the different opinions of sexuality such as what porn things of sexuality and God’s view of sexuality. That way they can identify the different sources.
Need to teach how the human brain develops
Need to have a follow-up discussion after first having that first discussion
Need to teach why pornography is dangerous.
How to talk to your kids about intimacy video
Teaching age-appropriate sexuality video
Family home evening sexual intimacy is sacred and beautiful article
How, when, and why: talking to your children’s about sexuality article, Ensign Magazine Aug. 2020

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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