These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the notetaker.
– Temperance is a lifetime effort. It starts at the terrible to represent the natural man.
– In Latin, temperance means moderation or restrain.
– He thinks of the tempered glass of a windshield. Cracks in a windshield can cause it to fail in its purpose. If it has not been cracked, it will protect you if cracked it will fold in and not protect you.
– The tempered Steele of a truck that has been born through fire. It requires long heat to make gold.
– SRS: safety restraint system; refers to your seat belt. A seatbelt keeps you contained in the car during an accident. The second one the airbags are very violent and quick. It instantly inflates to prevent you from slamming into the front of the car.
– Wasting time is part of Satan’s plan to divert us.
– As a bishop, youth would tell him how they would use their devices to see bad things.
– If you are not temperate, you are quick to anger. If you are, you’re in control.
– If you are selfish, you’re not.
– If you’re not temperate, you overspend. If you are, you are conservative with your money management.
– If you not temperate, you give criticism. Temperance is when you give praise.
– Being temperate, you can go far.
– Intemperate men submit to the acts of natural men. Being temperate, you become a man or woman of God.
– In this political season, there are many emotions. Obtain knowledge first and then temperance. You need to know about a topic you need to be temperate.
– You want to learn how to control yourself.
– In the scriptures, there are references to temper the elements.
– Talk: President Benson: what matter of men you are to be. Men show restraint and not given to overindulges. He has control and is the master of his emotions.
– Paul: can you be (lost note of book) 4:26 be anger and not sin.
– President McKay: Men who cannot control his temper are not likely to control his passions. He reaches close to the animal plane
– As you live a Christ-like life, one of those attributes is temperance.
– We should seek temperance.
– Got in an accident and my body was not shredded with shards of glass. Because the windshield was made of, tempered glass and it shattered into small pieces.
– We live in a world of uncertainty and contention. Just like during Joseph Smith’s time all their good feelings were lost in the contrast of opinions.
– D&C 59: 7 gives the commandment to love with all your heart. I name of Jesus Christ, you shall serve him. Love thy neighbors as thyself.
– Do a sacrifice of a contrite spirit and a broken heart.
– Lord has asked us to be gentle and meek.
– All the seasons and bounty of the earth are created to bless man. Use in judgment and not in excess.
– The gospel is a do it yourself doctrine. You and your family need to raise you up in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ.
My two cents: This is an area I can definably relate too. Especially, when it comes to food, ha ha Enough said. Other areas, I’m doing better. We need to count our successes as well as acknowledge the areas of improvement, right.