Trust in the Lord.


These are notes from church talks provided bu two return missionaries, the Daily twins. I put them under the same title. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

– Prover 3:5-6 listed trust in the Lord with all thy heart.
– This message became very personal to me on my mission.
– The church was established on the earth so that God children can have peace and fulfill covenants. We can learn how to return to God.
– President Nelson” I have faith in the lord and his servants. I have learned when revelations are received from leaders to put an exclamation mark (!) and not a question mark (?)
– What warnings from church leaders we take with a ! mark, not a question mark.
– When you have faith in Jesus Christ, you trust him. You keep his commandments thought you may not understand them.
– To trust in the Lord to keep His commandments. We need to develop and nurture our faith in Jesus Christ. How can we do that? Pray sincerely, repentance, and reading and studying the Book of Mormon individually and as a family. Partake the sacrament every week.
– When he followed three steps, he’s learned to trust in God.
– When living in times of shifting values this is an important tie to our belief in Christ.
– Alma: 29:6
– On his mission, he learned to love the culture and the people. He loved fellow missionaries. Learned to see and love people in the same way as Christ sees them.
– Being away from family help me realize their value.
– We do missionary work to unite the family of God.
– One teacher worked and concentrated on the three acts. Focus on prayer, daily study of the Book of Mormon, and church attendance. The missionary began to see a change in her countenance.
– Satan does not have power, but we give him power by how we make choices.
– Alma: 37:6 small and simple things
– On his mission, he became more converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
– Focus on the small and simple things. The world will always attack the truth. Trust is found in the scriptures. I found the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Second talk:
– 3 Nephi 13; 31-33 take no thought of what we shall eat… see ye first the kingdom of God.
– When put the kingdom of God things came easier to me.
– Everyone can be successful in loving the gospel.
– Member devoted his life to the gospel and he received blessings.
– Serving a mission is not about you.
– When we put the kingdom of God, we fade out.
– Elder Urdof: said that Elder Faust told him: People will always phrase you be grateful for it but don’t inhale it. Heavenly Father is in charge.
– He keeps in contact with people in Japan and can teach the gospel remotely.
– My desire to learn about the Savior, I learned to desire to become like the savior.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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