These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Healing uses by the Jews. Bath babies in saltwater.
– Same thing we modern medicine. Dehydrated means a lack of salt, not moisture.
– Salt used to preserve meat.
– Walt was considered a daily part of a meal. There is sault shard between us, eans people have shared a meal and time together bonding them.
– To be a good ministering brother and sister is to be a friend. Same for family or married partner.
– In the garden of Eden God said “it is not good that man be alone”
– We need companionship and need someone to take care of and for us to care for others.
– Christ said ye are my friend.
– Great love hath no man then the man that lies down his life for his friends (paraphrase)
– We need to be the best friend we can be.
– Math 25: when I was hungered you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink. I was in prison and yo9u visited me.
– D& C 138: joseph smith vision of atonement of the savior.
– For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation> joseph smith
– When we save them they become empowered to help us.
– President Nelson: invite all children on both sides of the veil to come unto Christ.
– Bring names to the temple, help others do their temple work.
– Those in the temple pray that they’ll be able to help you in your needs to make your temple visit a pleasant one.
– Angels who have charge over us are those on the other side who are our family on the other side.
– Our work in the temple has a healing and sanctifying effect on us and we are better able to defined against the assaults of Satan.
– The Lord will bring the blessings we need when we serve in the temple.