These are notes from a Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the typist. This was presented by David Pholmmer: Article published in the ensign.
How would each of you feel about going back to God’s presence?
1. Moroni 8:24-38 it was then recording in multiple periods of history written for this dispensation. The narrow neck of land is our human neck
2. Only the Book of Mormon has specific verses of last days
3. Give 5 human weakness and opportunity to be strong ether 12:27 general state of mortal existence
4. Ether 12:27 clearing defined charity as the pure love of Christ. Steps to receive the pure love of Christ.
5. Ether 3:15-17, because of the brother of Jared’s faith, God could not withhold himself from not being seen for never has man believed in me as thou hast.
6. Jacob 2:7-9 man is motivations reasons by when a man is justified and even blessed for seeking and obtaining worldly riches. Pre Benson warned us about pride. Our bodies are not on trial. Our bodies are sacred. Book of Mormon give it to us of who we are
7. 2 Nephi 2:11 need Book of Mormon in all things
8. Almas34:11-12 mercy satisfy justice
9. 2 Nephi 9:8f resurrection by atoning sacrifice our spirts of all men would have been subject to the devil
10. things stated only in the Book of Mormon.
11. Mormoni:23: 3 Nephi 23:1-3 two groups of people that are given special instruction regarding the importance of reading and studying Isiah. To help understand it, get a commentary of Isiah to help read it. Gave us commandments to be free.
12. Only the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 25:23, after all, we can do … providing grace
13. Moroni 10:1-5 Pray to see if it is true
14. Almas 34:31-32 now is the time to prepare to meet God. We need to focus what is important. Schedule to study the Book of Mormon and Isiah
15. 2nt Nephi 2:23-35 father of the son of Adem and Eve occurred so earth tabernacles would be created from offspring Abraham 3:26 the lord continue to improve like the endowment. If not a fall there were never bodies for children.
16. D&C 14:7 1 Nephi 8:9-38, 11:11-35 contain a metaphlical greatest gift is eternal life.
17. 2nt Nephi 2:18 Satan wants to tempt all man. That he wants all men to be miserable like himself. Pride is edging God out.
18. Jesus Christ’s actual birth in the form of a prophetic utterance.
19. The Book of Mormon has collaborations with Isiah.
20. 29:11-14 Ezekiel 36L>>
21. Ester 3:4 only Book of Mormon mo coming to meric during confounded of language. The light could provide light and
22. 2 Nephi 28:29, 29:6 refer to people
23. 1 Nephi 16;10 Liahona compass ran by father. The Book of Mormon is our self-help book.
24. 1 Nephi 2:10 original land similar to Lehi telling Laumual. Lehi tells son to be as firm as a valley similar is original.
25. 2 Nephi 3:15 only Joseph named as sear and named after his father.
26. 2 Nephi 32:2 told how we can speak with the tongue of angels. We need to strive to seek the gift of the holy ghost so we can speak with the tongue of angels. 121> works on leadership when you teach draw your attention to the savior, not yourself.
27. 26: Alma 7:12-13 expressive explanations of what contributed to the savior’s suffering. Gave the savior the incomprehensible capacity to have perfect empathy and compassion to succor and eventually heal those who mental; physical and emotional and ritual information may never get fixed during mortality.
Looks like I got lost in the numbers. Ha ha