These are notes from a Book of Mormon conference. Any misinformation is the fault of the typist.
– Brother in law believes in everything fake (media and conventions)
– Northward in the book of Mormon. Is influenced on where you are standing. You go northward.
– Starts in Florida at 600 pc. Found pottery.
– Church has the philosophy is neutral on the Book of Mormon events and location.
– General authority working on arranging on having our link up on the church web site.
– A recently published, Annotated Book Mormon contains info about archeological sites to support the history of events
– Ebom means evidence of the Book of Mormon
– Two below honey is the only honey that will not crystalize. Archaeologists have found that honey transferred to America
– Jerusalem and the US are in the same latitude, so we use the seeding and plants.
– Wind current leave from the Amon area. They would leave when they had the most food.
– Hebrew writing on holy stones and earthworks.
– In burial sites, they’re discovering bison bones and refined metals
– TN river: area shows 82 sights that have multiple mounds of Nephi occupation.
– Waters of Orem: would have to be close to where people lived. Katusha springs or crawfish springs could we waters of Mormon.
– 1400 reference to this land. When Joseph Smith talked about this land do you think he was talking about Metro America?
– Archologies’ Mill told James Tamerage> He observed there were two civilizations who existed simultaneously on the American continent. He reported that they were in conflict. The lower culture was often aggressive against their neighbors.
– In 1917. Mounds may date 1500 years in the past.
– D&C 21:8 is about sending missionaries to the Lamanites.