These are notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Gal 5:13 server one another
– Server with love
– Christ spent his live share love and service
– His example teaches us to learn to be more like him.
– We each will have an opportunity to serve in the choice. If we approach our callings as an opportunity to love our fellow man we can have mom or dad.
– We can even do service for others in the walls of our own homes.
– We might do a service that does not seem like a big deal to use but it can be a big deal to the receipted.
– Service to others. Have you ever felt prompted to speak to a stranger or to call a friend or a family member? This would be a prompting of the spirit.
– Never let a prompting pass or show love to another.
– Maybe the person in need has to pray to see if God is still here or that someone cares.
– When we love and serve one another we are truly in the service of our God.