She is a Republican Candidate for Governor, Apparently, I forgot to post these notes on governor candidate
Also in the conference call is State Auditor John ‘Frugal’ John Dougall who is running for LT. Governor. This is a submission to caucus corner. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
I want to earn the support of the delegates.
Facebook live
Introduction: my great grandparents arrived to the valley in 1800. I started a dairy business. Care deeply for Utah. Has 4 kids from 16-24. I’ve been involved with local and regional gov. for 25 years. We part of Salt Lake kept getting more and more apartments to build in our neighborhood and we didn’t have a voice. So a bunch of us got together and wanted to go separate city.
As planner mgr. we influenced the Taylorsville. I believe in long term planning. We need to pay attention to growth and plan for the future. I was asked to run for the county council. We reformed the criminal justice system. I worked on the inner poverty task force. I addressed growth issues. The best accomplishments were going through and reducing the budget.
I am the candidate who has the most experience with most local government experience. I am a fresh perspective for state government. I have experience in standing up against legislators.
1. Concerned about the economy. I’m concerned about getting people back to work.
2. Education: need to make sure there are many options. We need more teachers and more accountably
3. Infrastructure and traffic
4. Can kids afford housing or will they have to live in our basements?
5. I don’t want to make Utah like California. Best partner john Guggle.
John Guggle:
I have the most state experience. 10 years in the legislature. Worked a lot in traffic issues. Worked on tax reform (done right) passed a bill in 2007 to provide in tax cut passed unanimously. Make Utah taxes more competitive so businesses would want to expand and locate in Utah. Watchdog for reducing the budget. The champion base product we started for a reduced budget. During the last great recession. I wanted to drive more accountability. Number two in the budget in charge of the budget. As auditor makes sure others are also accountable. see how tax money is being spent.
Q: Want to provide support to President Trump: Amie will support the President. When you have other politicians does not solve the concerns of the issue. When working on Salt Lake council did not criticize members of our council. She is pleased Trump supports conservative values. My support change when he Trump nominated Corsage. I don’t always like his tone on twitter but I support his national efforts. I don’t criticize because it weakens our country.
John went to Washington and helped the white house on the tax bill.
Q: How to make sure others counties get served? People from other parts of the state or the country go to visit. But if people get lost, it is the local government who has to pay for their rescue. How will you pill in their voices?
Q: There are a lot of public lands in Utah, where rural Utah needs a voice for the lands in their counties affected by those visiting – public safety, federal overstep, search and rescue, garbage removal from Northern Utah and out of state visitors.
A: in rural Utah, the citizens have different concerns. They feel no lone listen to them. Local areas don’t get much finances income from tourisms but we don’t get the funds to pay for help. Maybe have TRC funds (normally used for advertisements) is to help with local needs.
As we look at economic developments each location is different. Some differences in the same community express differences. Take a lead by economic developments and follow what the local government says they need. Work from the bottom up. We need to listen better.
Dougall: we need to release the federal government control of public lands. Whoever controls the land controls the economy. He is concerned that when a visitor needs to be rescued, it is rural Utah that pays the bill.
Amie: We need to also better educate those on the Wasatch front the needs of rural communities.
Q: I am on the Farmington City Council and I hear about affordable housing for our children all the time. Many developers use that expression to get more density. Then they build $400,000 townhomes. Obviously that is not affordable housing. What can the governor do to help our kids not be living in our basements?
A: we don’t want Utah to become California. We need to plan for growth. Have a lot of housing experience on Utah county council.
There was a 900 homes/business. I have done a lot of work on dense construction. Was a no vote. If you have a dense building you need them by a high house. That area of the country had a lot of dense traffic already.
Under Governor Levitt has the office mgmt. and budget. They farmed out the planning part of the government away from the state control. Bring it back so city government to have resources from planning help from the state. The advice of local government > find out how many units that are not just bigger apartments zones.
To get more housing maybe permit shared housing such as a mother apartment. As governor will not take power away from local government. It needs to be local
Q: how do you deal with liberty and economy?
A: For coronavirus, it would have been great if we had more t4esting early on. Our decisions need to be data-driven. There are challenges with people being confined to their homes and the financial stress on business. She is wondering what she can learn about this. At this time we can learn how to do things efficiently. Maybe do improvements in telecommuting. We’ve had two recessions in the last two years and Utah had done well to rebound. Utah has a strong rainy day fund. We will look back and see how hard it was, but things will get back to normal.
A: Dougall: The government has a tendency for the majority to make decisions for everyone. Spike in mental illness related to emotions and events if the virus.
Q; what other aspects to not become California such as housing and their ideas come with them. Look at their sky rocking taxes-we need to watch the increase of our taxes.
A: We need to keep government limited. We need to remain physical sounds and by deregulating invite businesses to come. Don’t let liberal ideologies’ take control of the state. We need to stay in our lane and keep the government restricted. We need to be open to transparency.
Dougall: California business meeting told visitors to bring a flashlight. CA can’t’ keep their power on. Ca used to be known as the land of dreams. We need to remind new arrivals, what was it that brought you here? Keep Utah a great place to live.
Q: Taking Federal dollars ties us to federal mandates. What do you think we should stop taking federal money in order to restore our sovereignty? Especially with our schools.
A: 20T of education funding comes from the federal government. We are starting to having schools jump through hoops to get federal money. We should not have the Board of educations at the federal level. States dollars should not be controlled by the Federal government. We need to establish correlations with other states.
Dougall: deals with federal funds: legislators fought against no student left behind. For every gas dollar sent back, we got $101. But with it came a lot of regulations. Utah should control our money and avoid the strings attached to the national government.
Positions on the bailout bill:
A: biggest pet peeves we don’t’ have a handle of debt and additional money on top is scary. There of the small additions to the bill, I don’t see it as a necessity. Credit to every home is not how we can handle it when we don’t’ even know if their jobs were impacted. Concerned about the amount of money. This is not how the free market works. Having debt for generations to come.
Dougall: state government is shutting down businesses. We keep growing the national debt. Increase 10% overnight. There is a whole bunch of port barrel spending. I have a lot of concerns. States started to be more beholding to the federal government.
Feelings about SB54: shared voting options:
A: she got elected in the past via the delegate system. There can be improvements to involve more people in caucus. Started campaign 6 months early to get signature so we could get to meet people. Once our volunteers gathered several thousand we stopped in Feb. we decided it was signatures are not the path we would take. Dougall: is the most frequent attender of fundraisers for local government.
Dougall: In CA it was money and fame that won elections. Like that Utah money did not control the elections. I’ve been supportive to keep my voice. I have learned a lot of things by going to local fundraisers. Like that delegates are interested in issues.
We’re running because we care about you. We are funning to do something. We are public servants who care about the people.