This webinar presented by the creator of K-lytics. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Market forces: catching the wave
– You need to be on the right side of supply and demand. It means catching the wave of what books sell. Books sell for eBooks look bright. Increase 12.5% between 2018 to 2019.
– 2/3th of page read comes from Kindle unlimited shared read.
– Kindle unlimited view count is the same as a purchase to count as a sale.
– Percentage of Share in genera for Kindle Unlimited.
– 1.sf/f 79%
– 2. Teen and young adults 80%.
– 3. Romance 82%
– Most money made on kindle is done by the top 50K books. They earn 87% of the money.
– Kindle bestseller list 1. Romance, 20% 2. Twister thrillers suspense16% 3rd SF/f 6% plus nonfiction
– % of kindle share eBooks 1. 93% romance kindle editions 2. Mystery and suspense 78% Kindle edition
– 3. Lgbt 74% kindle edition 4. Sf/F 57% 5. Teens 51%
The challenges in the market
– Six new mission books added by the end of Feb 2020. 70K new titles added every month.
– Search in bar in kindle, the results can get you certain conclusions. Most people will put in a term (i.e. dragon shifter) amazon will use the end. And look for books that have that name in the title.
– Bestsellers lists show top 100 based on sales and downloads (may indicate best seller in a subcategory of a genera.
– Individual product pages.
– Browse categories under the Kindle store numbers are influence by all sales or downloads.
– Purchase or downloads are like votes that count toward a rank but decay over time.
– Search hotkeys in amazon:
– 1. Use “,” or space as AND
– 2. Use | as OR Use “-” (minus as NOT
– 3. Use quotes for phrase match (not always reliable.
– 4. Use categories as filters.
Step 2: high sales
– Finding markets and categories that are right for you.
– Strategy: what do you want to write?
– Tactic: how to market (what categories you put your books
– Passion: you may want to go to a specific category
– Write for money: look for categories that sell high.
– Highest selling: romance, mystery, sf/f teen/young adult such as romantic comedy.
– Want to see low competition in genera. i.e.: clean and wholesome teen romance.
Step 3 low competition: easy to rank and sell more
– You seek categories where you can rank.
– Category teen & YA romance clean and wholesome.
Step 4: ways to rank
– You can have 10 categories. Don’t let amazon dashboard to limit you. Call support and they will solve the hdp dashboard.
– To get help adding the 10 categories selection to market your book (amazon offers only two visually) go to
Step 5 broad exposure
– Go beyond categories:
– Look at titles of what was successful and see what words match your books.
Step 6 Topic Fit:
– Ask support for your 10 full paths.