source: https://www.articleskill.com/worldwide/baking-ta?utm_medium=taboola&utm_source=taboola&utm_campaign=ta-ak-baking-15-des-us-safe-msn-26129&utm_term=theblaze-newsletter
The following are notes from the source.
– Make Your Floors Shine: With wood and tile floors, after a while, the floor loses its shine. To get it back to its tip-top shape, it can be really pricey. To fix that problem without breaking the bank, dissolve 100 grams of baking soda in a bucket of warm water. Then mop the floor with this mixture and rinse off after. Now your floors will sparkle!
– Appliances Like New: After using appliances like dishwater or coffeemaker for a while, they start having a weird smell and look less-than-clean. To make them look and smell as good as new again, run an empty cycle with some baking soda inside.
– Litter Box: When owning a cat, you probably know the side effects that it leaves behind for you to see. If you want to keep your cat’s odors as minimal as possible, sprinkle some baking soda into the litter box. Now you’ll notice a lot less of your cat’s smell.
– Exfoliate: Baking soda has been said to be a great exfoliant for your skin. Try creating a paste with three parts baking soda and one part water. Rub it on your skin gently in circular motions and then rinse it off with warm water and pat your face dry.
– Hair Treatment: We all know how expensive salon treatments are, not to mention, how expensive they can be as well. If you try a treatment at home, it can take less time and money. Mix some baking soda into your conditioner and put it in your hair as usual. This will make your hair healthier and stronger, helping it avoid split ends.
– Trash Bin Miracle: One unpleasant experience is opening the garbage can and getting a whiff of a terrible smell of trash. To eliminate this scent, spread out some baking soda at the bottom of the garbage can or the bag inside and say goodbye to the smell.
– Rain Repellent: While it’s already risky to drive during a rainstorm, if you’re doing so with bad windshield wipers, you might be in for a wild ride that could end in disaster. Take a damp cloth, sprinkle some baking soda on it and wipe your windshield down. Next time you’re in a rainstorm, you’ll see more water-repelling off.
– Chicken Pox Cure: If you’ve never had chickenpox, consider yourself lucky. If you did have it in the past, you’ll know that it’s no laughing matter. Mix half a tablespoon of baking soda with water to help ease the urge to itch. Soak a soft washcloth in the mixture and lay it on the itchy parts of your body until it’s dried up.
– Clean Food Containers: Seeing as people put all kinds of foods in their plastic containers, it makes sense why they typically don’t look so clean anymore. Fron pasta sauces, grease, and oils, there are things that stick to the containers every time they’re used. Sprinkle some baking soda onto a clean sponge and scrub away at them to make them look new again.
– Clean Your Sponges: It seems like a waste of time to clean your dirty dishes with an equally dirty sponge, don’t you think? It’s definitely not getting your dishes as clean as you think they are. If your sponges aren’t looking great, soak them in warm water and baking soda overnight and then rinse them off the next morning.
– Pet Bed Odors: Most people agree that their pet is like a part of their family. However, pets just so happen to leave stains and smells around the house, which can become aggravating. If your pet’s bed is starting to smell bad, sprinkle it with some baking soda and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming it.
– Canker Sores: Canker sores are a rather common phenomenon and they are very annoying, not to mention, painful. The way to get rid of them quickly and on a budget is with some baking soda, of course. Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that contains baking soda twice a day every day until the sore is gone. Simple as that!
– Calluses: Even though calluses aren’t a danger to your health or anything, they can still cause some discomfort while applying pressure to the feet. A study recently proved that soaking the feet in a baking soda bath can help soften the skin, eliminate scabbing, and improve callus problems.
– Oil Or Grease Fire: There’s a good reason why a lot of fire extinguishers contain baking soda. It reacts with the heat in a fire in order to produce carbon dioxide. In turn, this helps extinguish the fire. Meaning, baking soda can be very helpful when putting out a small grease fire. We wouldn’t suggest to use this on a large fire. If you aren’t sure, it’s best you call for help.
– Diaper Rash: Diaper rash is pretty unavoidable and happens to most babies at some point, but that doesn’t make it easier for parents to see their babies in pain. Buying a cream from the pharmacy can be pricey at times and not even work well. Instead, try sprinkling some baby soda into your baby’s bathtub. After soaking in the water for a bit, the baby should feel much better.
– Clean Walls: As a parent, you always want to encourage your kids to explore their artistic side and let their imagination run wild. However, when that means they start drawing on walls, that’s less ideal. If this happens to be the case, don’t stress. Take a damp cloth and sprinkle some baking soda onto it. Rub at the marks for a bit and then wipe it down with a dry cloth. No more drawings!
– Cloth Diapers: If you’re someone who uses cloth diapers instead of disposable ones for the baby, you probably know the struggle of keeping up with all the laundry. Well, in order to make sure the diapers are sanitized properly, dissolve 1/2 cup of baking soda into 2 quarts of warm water and soak the diapers in it for a while. Once that’s done, toss them all into the washing machine and wash them as usual.
– Coat Closet Cleanliness: It can be rather disappointing to open up your coat closet for the first time n the winter. After sitting in a closet for many months, your jacket might not smell the best. To solve this issue, put an open box of baking soda in the closet and let it work its magic.
– Keep Flowers Fresh: People put so much love and thought into buying someone a bouquet of flowers, but it’s always so disappointing when they die only days later in the vase. To keep them fresh for a longer period of time, toss a teaspoon of baking soda into the water the flowers are in.