These are notes from a town hall. Any information is the fault of the notes taker. This is a submission for caucus corner.
– I’m running for governor for you. The lenses I look for is leadership, the public service
– We’ve been through hard times before, we’ll get through this.
– As an emprenar he created thousands of jobs.
– Precinct chair count and state chairs. Helped run funds
– The playbook that has worked in the past will not help us now.
– See classes size go from 20 to 34 students.
– There is an over demand of housing in Utah’
– We need a fresh perspective.
– We need a non-career politician.
– I’m set apart as the only candidate who has not been involved intimately in politicians for the last decade. 2. There is not a candidate that understands Utah economies as well as I do.
– There is a chance that we will face an economic recession/depression
– Focus on 3 things
– Economic development after a health crisis. It is truing into an economic crisis. Will continue to unleash the private sector to help create jobs.
Education, especially k-12.
– There is a mismatch of jobs needed in the future compared to what our students are learning.
– A. Need to deregulate education.
– B. no more over testing
– Empower teachers: allow teachers to use special talents and abilities. Teachers need to be empowered.
– Parents need to have a choice in education. Choice creates competition and improves education.
– Change the culture that a four-yr degree is not a symbol of success. We need to pull more skills trades into high school.
– Senator McKay: members of legislators> was in proportions’ committee. Got push back from college and high school they needed to take a citizenship class. There is an issue with teaches tech to the test. We need to invest in character education. So much is being done in the education system that harms our schools.
Rural Utah needs a fighter in their corner.
– We are all one Utah.
– If we don’t have access to our lands, it influences our success.
– Push back on federal control of Utah lands.
– In choosing a Lt. Governor partner he had the criteria of a public servant. Someone who understands the legislative process. Someone who gets Utah to operate from a position of strength. I sought a conservative candidate. I choose Senator Dan McKay
– Dan McKay says he is the second most popular politician in his district.
– What a republican is? We defend life born and unborn. We believe in free and open markets. There is no such thing as free money from the government. We need to help the needy. One delegate said they would support him because he knew the caliber of his daughter.
– Q: What are you’re feeling about the constitution of liberty?
– A: We are pro-life and pro-Second amendment. The power is with the people. Each one of us has been given unalienable rights by God. I’m a limited government guy
– Q: What is your plan to bring the training of teachers in alignment with Utah values? He had to take classes for a master’s degree and his professors taught about white privilege and how bad America is.
– A: We need to protect free speech on all college campuses. We need better civic education in school Utah needs to be in charge what our students are taught.
– Q: What level of support of president trump?
– A: believes President Trump has been good for our country. His daughter told him you are like trump but nice. He likes his choices supreme justice nominees. Sometimes his mode of speech is not the best. Jeff thinks trump will be reelected.
– Q: What would you do to create opportunity in rural Utah and encourage the youth to stay where they live. They leave because there is no economic opportunity.
– A: 1. Wasatch front needs to catch our breath. We need to get ahead of the infrastructure. We need to focus on economic opportunity in rural opportunity.
– 2. We need to push back on public land. Push back against the Antiquities Act.
– 3. There is a technology opportunity in rural. One area has really fast internet. We need economic diversification.
– Q: as long as we take federal dollars. Can you work on weaning ourselves from federal purse?
– A: The best government is local. We know best how to educate our children. We need to be self-reliant. We need to say no to federal money. We can find ways to fund things. 8% of education money comes from the federal government.
– Q: How to protect taxpayers and tax money is spent properly?
– A: Everything has changed. This is the failure of a fresh perspective. ‘Want a candidate who does not owe anyone. The first thing he’ll do as governor is a top to bottom of a state audit. Need to me lean and mean as governor. We don’t have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.
– Q:Position on sb54? (Duel track nomination process)
– A: Been active in the political system. Hate sb54. We will fight to repel 54.
– Dan McKay: ran the bill 54 to keep the caucus system alive. Sb54 did not live up to their promise. Ran repeal bills.
– Q: Do we support constitutional carry?
– A: We own guns, we go shooting. We need data to inform us to make decisions. Serial killers go to gun-free zones to kill people.
– Q: what to do to stop abortion in our state?
– A; we need to do all we can to preserve life. There was a walk for life at the capital. He helped sponsor the event.
– A: Dan bill 174> Utah putting a stake in the ground, received a unanimous vote by republicans. End elective abortions. It was his bill.
– Q: If you were currently the governor how would you have handled the virus?
– A: we need to come together as Utahans. This is not the time to point fingers. The season of management is passing up in Utah. The season of leadership is upon us. We need bold leadership. At the capital, called up legislative to use the surplus to help the people of Utah, to help individuals and small businesses get back up on their feet. Video team Burningham. We could be bolder in the economic response to the virus.
– Q: want inland port in Carbon County?
– A: If inland port provides high paly jobs I like it. If it provides high technology opportunities, that will be great. And have different hubs and spokes in different counties those are my favorite parts. It could be a good way to bring high paying jobs into rural Utah. I have some concerns. If inland truck drivers add higher traffic to roads I don’t like it. If it adds a lot of pollutions don’t like it if it is not beholding to the people.
– A: McKay: Three legislations ago made inland port: since it was created. Create a means to not be taxed for local projection. We need to invest in places that matter.
– Q: You were one of the first people who came out against the tax reform, but Dan voted for the bill?
– A: against the tax plan was not transparent. It did not simplify the tax. I was not excited about the tax on food.
– McKay: tax reform is complicated. We need changes to our tax structure. Put on the tax bill on the ballet.
– Q: how get rid of common core? Utah education still has it.A: that is why we need an outside candidate. Politicians are loyal to the political systems that made them. http:/facebookjeffburningham.
– There is a comedic video at teamburningham Facebook pg. also on YouTube. (This note-taker could not find it)
– Also see: Republican Utah County Commission candidates talk bankruptcies, increasing number of commissioners