These are notes from a virtual town hall. He is running for governor. This is a submission to my caucus corner updates.
– Started town halls since January.
– Served in the legislator for eight terms. 4 yrs. as majorly whip in house leadership. I spent the last four years as the speaker to the house.
– The Utah legislator 33 days to pass or kill bills and to update the budget.
– My goal of this meeting is my positons. Show you what I’ve done my actions match my words.
– States’ response to virus? How do we resume lift after a virus? We have a virus we don’t have immunities against it. It is highly contagious. Without a vaccine, limit or exposure to strangers. When the virus is over there will be economic consequences. Health and economic consequences are related. When the government shuts down business people may not have the means to sustain themselves without incoming money. We are all in this together.
– We are holding for 15 days to limit contact to stop the spread of this virus. The hand that closes our business needs to be the same hand to fulfill economic value. There could be social unrest
– My mom was a single mom, she had to choose between paying the rent or buying food.
– Q: why vote for you? Track record of doing difficult things. Stopped Obama expansion, fought against the media. I am the only candidate that did not seek signature and bypass the caucus system.
– Q: The education system has an agenda like social justice and political agenda. How make education not so slanted. So many frustrated parents and grandparents kids coming home talking about politicians, environment, and social justice as well as anti-American or other agenda that are outside of the school curriculum, environment. > I have zero tolerance for teaches giving personal opinions.
– Q: bull in a china closest: to be loved, you don’t do anything to make people mad. You can be elected to the speaker in the house. As a conservative, you can find common ground on political issues. The public needs an honest dialog. A lot of things have been accomplished when I’ve been involved.
– Q: Why move the prison location. Governor Huntsman gave a press conference 700 acers about the property could be a source of a lot of economic value. Since many criminals serve their time they come out and we need to prepare them through educations etc. the new revenue would pay for a new prison in five years. Tax of business can help with the new location. Challenges of new prison near work force and near the courts and health care facilities. West of the airport> did not have plans to develop the land an not overburden or tax a city.
– Q: constitutional carry (gun): voted for constitutional carry. The governor vetoed it. Legislator did not have 2/3 majority to bypass the governor law.
– Q” Red flag law, what is missing is any due process to determine if someone is mentally unstable. They take the guns always first and then check to see if you are stable.
– Q: how do you learn when facing a new situation that has complex issues? Need to be a sponge for info. Working with different departments in the state and industry directors and get their knowledge and experience. Need to know the circumstances about Italy and the overburden of their medical system. As we digest the knowledge we need to ensure we don’t overtax our health system. Past experience of address public policy issues can aid me in the current situation.
– Feelings about the impeachment trial of trump? Any decisions to exercise constitutional authority and needs to have the full vote of the body to begin the process. As a state, we would not exclude a minority party (republicans) in the trial.