Here are some notes from a church talk. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Authority to act on behalf on behalf of God.
– Authority is confirmed power comes from faithful obedience to God’s commandments.
– Have different ordinances such as for aronic 1 pass the sacrament.
– Medecistic priesthood: administrator to the sick.
– Can only be used with Priesthood authority:
– The power and authority to act in the name of God. To represent him.
– The savior organized his church he had apostles. Then the apostasy happened and ma lost the true gospel and true eternity. So, there is a need for restitution.
– The church makes a claim, we are the true church in the world; it is perceived arrogant.
– Restorations of the priesthood Joseph and Oliver Cowdery were doing a translation of the book of Mormon. The lord only revealed things when the prophet joseph asked. Day in May they went through 3rd Nephi and came across baptism. He went down to the river to pray about it. Joh Baptist appeared. They get the Aaronic priesthood. They are told to baptize each other.
– A month later, they got the Melchizedek priesthood from peter James and john.
– This is the beginning of the prophet joseph allowed him to organize the church .organize the quorum of the 12 and to finish the translations of the book of Mormon.
– The thing that makes us different from other churches is we have the author of Jesus Christ.
– Joseph had the saints’ move to Kirtland Ohio.
– The greatest challenge of the church will be when we live with affluence. The coffers are filling we’re building temples. A lot of us have our needs taken care of.
– In Kirtland the church as poor. April 3rd, 1836: the Kirtland temple was finished. The savior appeared to Joseph and Oliver. I accept this house. Followed by Moses and bestows the keys of the gathering of Israel. Elias gives Joseph the dispensations of the gospel of Abraham. Elijah comes and gives the sealing power to Joseph and Oliver.
– Herald b lee; if nothing else had happened the delivery of those key justified the building of Kirtland temple had serviced its purpose.
– Remember the importance of this priesthood. It is one of the foundations of our religion. It is a common gift of every home is a priesthood holder.
– 1976 President Kimball came to work on organizing the first stake in Paris. They had missionaries as his bodyguards.
– The priesthood is a wonderful organization. It is the power of God. We have it in our homes. Use it. Remain worthy so you can use it.