These are continued notes from a political meeting in highland in the early part of February. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. This is a submission to Caucus corner.
– Dan Hammart: is the Senate majority whips
– On the social services committee. The biggest bill was Medicaid. Ran a bill: remove Utah from the affordable care act. It did not get past attorneys.
– The vast majority of bills are tweaks to old bills.
– Tweak: yerks illegal make yerks no longer illegal.
– Concurrent resolutions more study to emotional support animals. Raise a bar to counter the actions of a man back East. He had labeled beer an emotional support animal because it has yeast.
– Encourage private landowners to take action to negate wildfires. Get tax exemptions.
– Cost of prescription drugs > apply a wavier to import drugs from Canada. Drugs from out of the country are half or a third of the coast of those in the US.
– Drug transparency bill: Show more transparency from the manufacture, pharmacy, and insurance companies. Shows the cost structure and where are the rebates going to.
– Regent scholarship: only available to those going to state schools. > wanted to expand to students attending credited nonstate schools.
– Stratton: How will k12 funding be secured. Address low pay for teachers. State income tax related to education. One report sees Utah as 12th in the nation.
– Two red flag laws got killed in committee
– Sb54: one senator thinks it’s ok to have two candidate routs, to follow the people. Agrees with duel path.
– All agree to protect the rights of parents to protect parents on how they can educate their kids. Bill 241.
– All three legislators support parents to make their own decision over if or if not vaccinate their kids.
– There is concern about water allotment. The concern is how to monitor regulations of Utah water go into Colorado River than goes to California. Maybe discuss the pipeline related to Lake Powell.
– Brammer: cities require lowers bid on road construction. Currently don’t have any warranty included in bid.