Presentation by David O. Leavitt Utah County Attorney David


The Utah County attorney gave a presentation about the current state of the judicial systems in Utah county. He also wants us to help him with a project that he feels will improving matters of crime repeats. More details on that the end of these notes. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker. These notes are in my words.

This is a submission to my caucus corner occasional blog.

– We have a justice system for two keys reasons. 1. We all want to be safe and 2. We want to keep free. In the end, you have to choose when the two get too close and then you have to prioritize.
– Courts exist for one of two purposes to maintain social order / keep us safe. Or exist to keep us free.
– US courts were created to protect from the abuse of the governmental system. It was based on our founding fathers. Their notion was to keep us free from the government. This is illustrated in the Bill of rights and the constitution.
– The founders had legislative, prosecutors, to say what is illegal. We need an executive to execute the law and judicial system.
– Citizens have the power to determine who has done a crime and can report it. A Jury has the power to see if that person is innocent or guilty.
– After the civil war, it was tough to convene a jury. The plea bargain was created. State gives a charge. A person comes and an agreement is made. Lasted until 1960. The Supreme court said pleas bargains are legal.
– From 1970-200K IN jail jumped to 2.3 million today.
– The United States puts more people in jail than any other country in the world.
– Plea bargains began to increase. Up to 99% of cases are handled by the plea bargain.
– People avoid going the court for different reasons.
– There are 2400 elected prosecutors across the nation. They have the power to investigate anyone they want to investigate. They have 100% immunity for their actions.
– When Russia broke up into 15 countries and you only had what you possessed.
– Our systems were intended to regulate the conduct that hurt people. The government will restrict our freedom if we hurt someone.
– Felonies are intentional crimes.
– Estimate 80-90% of people in jails are not violent people. They are not hardened criminals. We as a society who are so interested in being protected, that we give up our freedom.
– We have put people in jail because we don’t want to deal with other people’s problems.
– County attorney Leavitt sees a system that needs to change. He wants to have an alternative to jail. He suggests Redemptive justice as an option. Just like a stock certificate can be redeemed to an item of greater value. We want to make people become better than they were before.
– The primary goal of redemption justice we want to redeem on how we will address our social issues.
– He works part-time as a luggage handler. He has noticed how he gets treated differently as a luggage handler then when he is dressed as an attorney. Having a different skin color, dress and other unique traits can cause people to be treated differently.
– He suggests we have a grand jury like the founders.
– 66% of rape victims never reach it to the district attorney office.
– 4500 victims a yr. comes to his office.
– We become fixated on being obeyed that we expend our resources.

Now county attorney wants our community to consider and do the following:

– Think of the TV Andy Griffith show. There was the weekend drunk Ottos. He was told to improve his ways but he continued his behavior.
– We have oblations to save our society which means an obligation to save individual people.
– What prevents us from helping others? We are fearful of helping.
– David is looking for people who are willing to help other people. He would like to match citizens up with people that are having private challenges. Having positive, emotional support can give people facing challenges to stay being good people. It’s hard when you are alone or don’t have a support system. The government is not the only person who needs your help. Your neighbor needs your help. He is looking to match people up with people needing emotional support.

I find this to be a good cause.

Here is his Facebook page.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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