These are notes taken at church. Any misinformation or inaccuracies is the fault of the note taker.
– Service is an act of helpful activity.
– Alternative words to service are assistance, ministrations, help, support encouragements, favor, and reinforcement.
– Luke 10:25 the Good Samaritan.
– Pharisees had the interpretation that a neighbor was another faithful Jew. The questioner was trying to trick him. Christ says all to be served.
– It is harder to serve others who are different than you or who are the opposite such as feliefs, race, sexual orientation, politics.
– Mosiah 18:8-9
– Brian Stevenson: book just mercy.
– To be of service to fellow beings. Seek the Holy Ghost, follow the example of savior as you serer other. Service is a say to overcome unhappiness. You capacities will increase.
– There is no perfect way to server just start anywhere.
– If you have administrating brothers and sisters start there.
– is a good source
– Serve your fellow neighbors.
Service 2:
– Food or treats may be the end is a motivation for a child to do a service activity. In spite of the food, the child felt happy about servicing.
– On a mission can be hard but can offer wonderful experiences of sharing the gospel with others.
– Christ washes his disciples’ feet.
– Christ touchers the lepers physically. Their decayed skin and physical condition did not restrain Christ’s physical contact.
– Christ has stretched his arms out with an invitation for us to come unto him.
– As you show others your love and care you will feel happy
– It can be tempting to come home and occupy our time watching YouTube or other media but be careful of it taking too much of your time.
– The best medicine of despair is service.
– Romans 12:1 present your bodies a living practice, holy and acceptable under God in reasonable service (paraphrase)
– Christ wants us to offer our life in service.
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