These church notes are inspired by a talk by President Oaks. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Capital felony a major crime that can be punished with imprisonment, a fine, or both.
– Misdemeanors: is an offense other than a felony
– Aggravating factors: where the victim suffered substantial body injury or worked with police.
– 10 commandments: items we should or not be doing.
– Our choices influence behavior toward the 10 commandments.
– We can repent and not get a harshly punished for breaking a law.
– Even thinking of an item is a version of doing the act.
– When we come to God he can aid us.
– Repentance is like climbing stairs making a gradual abandonment of that sin and thoughts of that sin.
– As you repent you become closer to God.
– Repentance is change
– Sin can separate you from God warm influence. Repentance can help you return to the warmth of God’s presence.
– Repentance starts with faith
– Steps:
The recompense of the wrongs we did.
Doing works of righteousness.
– Sins of omission> not doing works we know we should.
It might be we don’t understand.
Don’t understand how it will help me.
Is it true?
I don’t want to do it.
It is hard.
I am lazy
– Pray to the lord help me do something that will give me joy now. You can take baby steps.
– The adversary will show you an elephant eat it now. We can do things in small steps.
– True repentance is not one event. Is an ever-living process.
– Two steps forward one steps back. As long as you’re taking two steps forward, you’re making progress.
– It was hard for Alma, the younger and the sons of Moroni going back to the people they led astray to acknowledge they were wrong.
– Object lesson: picture of Christ when we sin we move away from Christ. When we repent we move back. It is not Christ that moves.
– Repentance is not a backup plan. It is a plan. It was established as part of the atonement.
– Repentance is not just to stop sin but also to make changes of our attitudes that need to be improved.
– Lack of repentance is falling into the lies of the adversary. You’re too late. You can’t do it. It’s too hard.
– Any thoughts of despair if from Satan.
– We can choose what we think and we can change what we do.
– What we think is what we are. Change your thoughts and your chance your direction/self.
– Positive feelings are from God. God will not make us feel shame or horrible.
– True repentance is not an event. It is a never-ending privilege. It is fundamental to progress and having peace of mind. We get close to Christ.
– The Lords want us to be better.
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