Independence Day is almost upon us! This is a great time to reach out individually to friends, neighbors and others. Here are some effective ways that we can help preserve our liberties both now and in the coming weeks. Currently, the USMCA (United State Mexico Canada Agreement) is one of the most immediate threats to our Constitution and to our sovereignty.
Learn more about the USMCA
Read the letter to neighbors below (also included as first attachment)
Read “What’s Wrong with the USMCA?” https://www.thenewamerican.com/print-magazine/item/30541-what-s-wrong-with-the-usmca
Watch a short video. In the YouTube search bar enter: “USMCA: What they are not telling you.” 32:58 (You might have to scroll down a page or two to find it.) OR use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff1uzBWQQW0
Additional resources are available at: https://www.jbs.org/NAFTA
Contact your US Senators and Representatives to OPPOSE the USMCA. Use one or two talking points from the letter to neighbors.
Please print copies of the letter the USMCA (the attached letter preserves the formatting) to give to friends and neighbors (and/or email this info to those you know including people in other states) and encourage THEM to contact their US Senators and Representatives as well.
Help at Freedom Festival Parade. Please print some of the attached letters (100-200 or more?) to pass out at the Freedom Festival Parade (or at another patriotic event that you will be attending).
A great time is while people are waiting for the parade to begin. Choose recipients who will be most likely to read the material and take action, e.g. parents and grandparents. Be sure to tell them to check out both sides.
You could text Bliss Tew at 801-427-1106 to find out which areas of the parade route need to be covered or to report the location where you will be passing out fliers (eg. On university avenue east side of street, between 100 N and 300 N).
If you want us to print flyers for you (8 cents each) please text Bliss at 801-427-1106 or Sharon at 801-224-1769 by Tuesday July 2nd.
On the back side of the letter, print the attached flyer about a special event called, “Get Us Out of the United Nations.” This presentation will be at 7:15 pm on Friday August 23 in Sandy, UT, Mark your calendar for the 23rd and plan to bring a couple of friends! This presentation will be just three days before the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference meets in Salt Lake City,Aug 26-28. (Read this email’s third attachment which provides important additional info on the UN and this conference.) A focus of the UN Conference will be to to promote global unity and to expand awareness of sustainable development goals.
Continue to educate others, especially your elected officials, about the importance of keeping their oath of office and following the Constitution. Be on the lookout for those who might cosponsor a resolution to rescind Utah’s calls for an Article V convention. To see if your legislator supported or opposed Utah’s most recent call for a constitutional convention, go to https://le.utah.gov/~2019/bills/static/SJR009.html and click on STATUS. The number of votes for and against in the house and the senate are listed In the right hand column on the state page. Click on the blue numbers to see names and how they voted.
Is America’s independence secure, or will the passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) set these three countries on a road that leads us into a North American Union?
Dear Neighbor, Please read this and take the action at the end of this short letter.
The USMCA is more than just a simple trade agreement between countries. Instead; it expands NAFTA, and included provisions consistent with the Trans-Pacific Partnership — both of which President Trump rightly decried as being the worst trade agreements ever negotiated. While there might be some short-term trade benefits for Americans, the USMCA will further integrate the economies of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into one unified economic and political bloc, similar to the early stages of the European Union. The USMCA will compromise our sovereignty and the ability to make our own decisions. Here is a short list of some major concerns with this agreement.
The USMCA, with its 2,325 pages, expands NAFTA by 12 additional chapters.
The USMCA subordinates America’s interests to those of the region of North America (as opposed to putting America first). Chrystia Freeland (Canada Foreign Affairs Minister) said that the very progressive trade agreement is intended to equally redistribute the wealth it generates among the citizens of all three countries.
The USMCA establishes a Free Trade Commission which will have complete control over the USMCA once it is put into effect. The commission will have the powerto promote the United Nations concept of “sustainable development,” to address the complete subordination to international authority such as that outlined in the UN’s Law of the Sea, AND to alter the USMCA at will—all without the consent of Congress.
Chapters 17 and 23 have the potential to further open our nation’s borders.
USMCA would take away our ability to impose tariffs, the very thing which has incentivized Mexico to finally do its part to help curb illegal immigration.
A vote in Congress on the USMCA could happen early this summer. If Congress approves a USMCA Implementation Act, both Mexico and Canada are expected to ratify it to become effective Jan. 1, 2020.
Please phone your representative (202-225-3121) and Senators (202-224-3121). Tell them we need to negotiate independent trade agreements withMexico and Canada one at a time. We should not enter into a trilateral agreement that will merge our country with Canada and Mexico. Ask your representative and senators to vote NAY on any USMCA implementation bills and to oppose the USMCA because it will further consolidate the economic integration of North America AND will threaten our national sovereignty and independence.
Read “What’s Wrong with the USMCA?” https://www.thenewamerican.com/print-magazine/item/30541-what-s-wrong-with-the-usmca
Watch this short video. In the YouTube search bar enter: “USMCA: What they are not telling you.” 32:58 (You might have to scroll down a page or two to find it.) OR use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff1uzBWQQW0