Big Tech vs. Freedom of Speech


I went to a meeting about the increasing limits of free speech through social media. The following are my notes. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker. The presenter is Thomas Butler: freedom activists. He started highland meeting 17 yrs. ago. He discusses big brother and the first amendments

    Conservatives are losing their voice on social media.

– A lot of conservative websites are losing their accounts and also losing their subscriber list. If you have a site: put all your contacts on a separate excel list. In case you lose yours online.
– Social media is beginning to restrict sites that the left disagrees with such as conservatives, anti-abortion or even warnings about vaccines. Such as > notifications of the dangers of vaccines. The twitter account is Yourthealtwisteut twitter.
– There is no free lunch.
– Why apps free. They’re sucking off info and they sell your info.
– Social media is geared to dehumanize you and make you stupid and to control you.
– Mark Zuckerberg mocked customers of Facebook. They trust me.
– Freedom of speech> documented in founding documents.
– The only rights we have are the rights we are willing to fight for.
– Deplorable means to be worthy of sensor or condemnations
– Do I have the right to say anything I want?
Political correctness:
– is the pursuer to language or measure that is intended offense or provide a disadvantage to people of disadvantage.
– 2000 bill Lynn article> be afraid that use the wrong word,
– Political correctness is cultural Marxism.
– Pc goes back to ww1 to classical Marxism. Both are botulism ideologies. It is now prominent in the college campus.
– How many of us self-censor ourselves. We’ve had 20 years of programming. We don’t want others to call us names.
– The constitution is geared to control the government.
– Hate speech becomes subjective.
– How to make a determination that what qualifies as hate speech. Open podium for the free exchange of ideas.
– Christ was open about calling the Pharisees hypocrites. He stood up against political correctness.
– “telling the truth is a revolutionary act”, George Orwell.
– Pop is asking for a one world government and a one world religion.
– The cashless society is here. Some countries are using chips (with bank accounts) instead of cash.

    The War in Heaven continues:

– Revelation 12:7-9, War in Heaven.
– War in heaven was over freedom, agency. It continues today
– We are in a war of ideas and principals.
– Christ did not worry about hurting Pharisees’ feelings.
– Freedom verse dominion or choice verses corhorision (sp).
– There are so many laws of county, state and federal that we are breakings laws and we don’t know it.
– Communication decently act section 230: Identifies a Corporation (such as Facebook) as a publisher. They could not be sued to be a town square as long as they don’t restrict speech. (
– 1949 jigsaw AL and town mobile al> case grace marsh> distribute religious literature. She was arrested. Right of citizen and private property can’t control other’s ability to communicate.
– You are either a public utility town square and you can be sued or you waive publisher and you can sensor anyway you want. And can be sued. Marshes of Alabama> source

    CIA funded up google and Facebook.

– How the CIA made google, article.
– Paul joseph watxon:
– Multiple twitters accounts canceled due to being critical of the communist party. Ex:
Sesame credit score system:
– Sesame credit is currently taking place in china.
– It gives you credit points by how good of a citizen you are. It is run by the company Tencent.
Ten cent:
– Video: live up to your word. Obey rules of communist party. 13.5 million Chinese are marked as untrustworthy.
– China says this is for stability.
– Think about the digital footprints you leave what you like, what message you share.
– Social platforms make it easier to praise or dislike. You can do it anomously.
– Alex Jones and Info wars were banned.
– Right wing watch> pushed for info wars to be closed.

    Mark Zuckerberg:

– said: we will remove people who are dangerous.
– Tucker> free speech crack down tucker Carlson.
– Web act for America>
– Candice Owens > black conservative restricted
– Lila rose > twitter deleted abortions
– Censorship is the last tool of tyrants dr. mckola.
– June 5 YouTube removed videos
– Steven Crowder> banned
– (not mentioned in the presentation) Barack Obama Revealed One Undercover Plan To Rig The 2020 Election Against Trump
– How google will rig the 2020 elections could not find it. Only found:
– Tucker: Big Tech is spying on you, addictive, has a patent
– The power of big tech > tucker
– You wouldn’t believe what is actually happening > you tuber
– New America: quality act> takes freedom of religions and throw out of door.
– End game is to take away our agency and free will.
– There is a war on everything such as traditions, what is good, mother and father. Gender being biological instead of fluid, self-defense, family is bad. Carbo lifestyle. War on Christianity

    Proposed solutions:

– Have these media corporations to be broken up
– Pray for discernment from what sources to trust.
– Support correct principals rather than individuals
– Get off social medial> vote with $
– Find alternative media beyond those controlled by the extreme left:
– Instead of Google, try Duckduckgo,
– Google Alternative: 12 Best Search Engines to Use in 2019
– 13 Awesome Professional Networking Alternatives to LinkedIn
– Instead of Gmail try protaon mail or protean mail
– 9 Gmail Alternatives For You
– Top 5 Twitter Alternatives You Must Try
– Melva’s idea: use the regular media if you want but post the exact same content at two other alternate media sources that are not controlled by the left. You get a following at all three. Research the ones you like. Then when people are kicked off, you already have a different means of communication. Conservatives re getting kicked off. Also, many democrats are being pushed away from their party for not agreeing with everything.

About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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