I went to a meeting about the increasing limits of free speech through social media. The following are my notes. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker. The presenter is Thomas Butler: freedom activists. He started highland meeting 17 yrs. ago. He discusses big brother and the first amendments
- Conservatives are losing their voice on social media.
– A lot of conservative websites are losing their accounts and also losing their subscriber list. If you have a site: put all your contacts on a separate excel list. In case you lose yours online.
– Social media is beginning to restrict sites that the left disagrees with such as conservatives, anti-abortion or even warnings about vaccines. Such as Www.yourhelathfreedom.org > notifications of the dangers of vaccines. The twitter account is Yourthealtwisteut twitter.
– There is no free lunch.
– Why apps free. They’re sucking off info and they sell your info.
– Social media is geared to dehumanize you and make you stupid and to control you.
– Mark Zuckerberg mocked customers of Facebook. They trust me.
– Freedom of speech> documented in founding documents.
– The only rights we have are the rights we are willing to fight for.
– Deplorable means to be worthy of sensor or condemnations
– Do I have the right to say anything I want?
Political correctness:
– is the pursuer to language or measure that is intended offense or provide a disadvantage to people of disadvantage.
– 2000 bill Lynn article> be afraid that use the wrong word,
– Political correctness is cultural Marxism.
– Pc goes back to ww1 to classical Marxism. Both are botulism ideologies. It is now prominent in the college campus.
– How many of us self-censor ourselves. We’ve had 20 years of programming. We don’t want others to call us names.
– The constitution is geared to control the government.
– Hate speech becomes subjective.
– How to make a determination that what qualifies as hate speech. Open podium for the free exchange of ideas.
– Christ was open about calling the Pharisees hypocrites. He stood up against political correctness.
– “telling the truth is a revolutionary act”, George Orwell.
– Pop is asking for a one world government and a one world religion.
– The cashless society is here. Some countries are using chips (with bank accounts) instead of cash.
- The War in Heaven continues:
– Revelation 12:7-9, War in Heaven. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+12%3A7-9&version=KJV
– War in heaven was over freedom, agency. It continues today
– We are in a war of ideas and principals.
– Christ did not worry about hurting Pharisees’ feelings.
– Freedom verse dominion or choice verses corhorision (sp).
– There are so many laws of county, state and federal that we are breakings laws and we don’t know it.
– Communication decently act section 230: Identifies a Corporation (such as Facebook) as a publisher. They could not be sued to be a town square as long as they don’t restrict speech. (https://www.eff.org/issues/cda230)
– 1949 jigsaw AL and town mobile al> case grace marsh> distribute religious literature. She was arrested. Right of citizen and private property can’t control other’s ability to communicate.
– You are either a public utility town square and you can be sued or you waive publisher and you can sensor anyway you want. And can be sued. Marshes of Alabama> source
- CIA funded up google and Facebook.
– How the CIA made google, article. http://www.americanchronicle.info/Home/TabId/514/ArticleId/36/how-the-cia-founded-and-funded-google.aspx
– Paul joseph watxon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlA4nQZma7E
– Multiple twitters accounts canceled due to being critical of the communist party. Ex: https://www.livetradingnews.com/china-and-twitter-113680.html#.XPugoFVKjcs
Sesame credit score system:
– Sesame credit is currently taking place in china.
– It gives you credit points by how good of a citizen you are. It is run by the company Tencent.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Gr-HLM7Qk
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8py8fBI7wLY
Ten cent: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jan/13/tencent-the-500bn-chinese-tech-firm-you-may-never-have-heard-of
– Video: live up to your word. Obey rules of communist party. 13.5 million Chinese are marked as untrustworthy.
– China says this is for stability.
– Think about the digital footprints you leave what you like, what message you share.
– Social platforms make it easier to praise or dislike. You can do it anomously.
– Alex Jones and Info wars were banned.
– Right wing watch> pushed for info wars to be closed.
- Mark Zuckerberg:
– said: we will remove people who are dangerous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qSwYfSNBOs
– Tucker> free speech crack down tucker Carlson.
– Web act for America>
– Candice Owens > black conservative restricted
– Lila rose > twitter deleted abortions
– Censorship is the last tool of tyrants dr. mckola.
– June 5 YouTube removed videos
– Steven Crowder> banned
– (not mentioned in the presentation) Barack Obama Revealed One Undercover Plan To Rig The 2020 Election Against Trump
– How google will rig the 2020 elections could not find it. Only found:
– https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/08/how-google-could-rig-the-2016-election-121548
– Tucker: Big Tech is spying on you, addictive, has a patent
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfN3xmJiDEc
– The power of big tech > tucker
– You wouldn’t believe what is actually happening > you tuber
– New America: quality act> takes freedom of religions and throw out of door.
– End game is to take away our agency and free will.
– There is a war on everything such as traditions, what is good, mother and father. Gender being biological instead of fluid, self-defense, family is bad. Carbo lifestyle. War on Christianity
- Proposed solutions:
– Have these media corporations to be broken up
– Pray for discernment from what sources to trust.
– Support correct principals rather than individuals
– Get off social medial> vote with $
– Find alternative media beyond those controlled by the extreme left:
– Instead of Google, try Duckduckgo,
– https://duckduckgo.com/?q=duckduckgo&atb=v134-1&ia=web.
– Google Alternative: 12 Best Search Engines to Use in 2019
– 13 Awesome Professional Networking Alternatives to LinkedIn
– Instead of Gmail try protaon mail or runbox.com protean mail
– 9 Gmail Alternatives For You
– Top 5 Twitter Alternatives You Must Try
– Melva’s idea: use the regular media if you want but post the exact same content at two other alternate media sources that are not controlled by the left. You get a following at all three. Research the ones you like. Then when people are kicked off, you already have a different means of communication. Conservatives re getting kicked off. Also, many democrats are being pushed away from their party for not agreeing with everything.