The following are suggestions about cyber-attack.
– If you click on an email and you don’t tell anybody, we don’t have any way of taking care of it.
– Look for champions, ambassadors or partners to help promote your anti-virus program.
– In order to do this program, you need help. 1.9 or 1.6 employees to help
– You need a C level executive backing your program.
– Once you get to sustainability you need to look at your stats
– How many attending web security events?
– How many are reading newsletters?
– Have breaches gone down for your company?
– How many mouse pads did you pass out
– How many fraud note pads distributed?
– How many stress balls did you hand out?
– There are a ton of free resources, so you don’t have to do it alone.
– If your company doesn’t have any funds. All you need is $500 for printed materials or send out an email.
– KnowBe4
– Wombat Security
– If you have 200 or fewer employees, you can still do a lot.
– There are people that come to make sure you have a cybersecurity program in place. They will only look at what you have done. They will give you direction, but they won’t fine.
Do you have something to add? If so please do so in the comment section of this blog.