These are notes from a talk by elder Jerold. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
– God gave Adam and Eve commandments: don’t touch or eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He says it is your choice and thus presented free agency.
– Adam was presented a law and a penalty if you break it.
– D&C: behold I gave unto him (Adam) ability to act for himself.
– Adams fall is Adam’s transgression and physical death was introduced.
– Adam’s posterity was innocent of Adam and Eves transgressions. To settle the unjust off kids suffering from Adam’s act, a savior was provided.
– To activate the atonement of Christ we must continually repent.
– Lord told Joseph Smith: say nothing to this generation but repentance.
– Greek for repentance means a change of view or a fresh perspective.
– When we choose to repent we chose to change to become the best version of ourselves.
– Repentance is a turning of our hearts to God.
– Repentance is not optional for God.
The five Rs of repentance in the primary:
1. Recognition
2. Remorse
3. Restitution
4. Reaffirmation
5. Resolutions
– These are notes from a talk by elder Jerold. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.
– Just to stop doing something does not mean repentance.
– We need to do something and be something. Because the army of Satin is doing all he can to win.
– What is stopping you from repentance and change?
– Enos cried unto the Lord for the forgiveness of his sins. He prayed into the night. Once the Lord forgave him he began to pour his heart for his brethren.
– Way to monitor our own progress of repentance is, do we have the desire to help others repent once we are forgiven.
– Endure to the end:
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