This was a presentation at a Toastmaster’s meeting. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
Something along the way society stopped measuring success by the simple things in life and started measuring success by our business. We often measure ourselves up to our friends. We know we need to change, but we wonder, “What could we possibly do differently?”
We simply “are” and not “I am this” or “I am that”. When we say to ourselves, “I am” without any clarification we are not happy or sad or busy or board. We simply are.
We have to discover brings us peace and happiness. Instead of looking at your phone and getting lost in social media, close your eyes and repeat “I am” out loud. Fight the urge to add qualifiers.
By focusing on your breathing, you focus on your space and being. You will realize the true importance of your activities and business. In the clearest state, there is happiness.
Take 30 seconds today and tomorrow to make beingness and not business be your happiness.
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