These are notes from a finance class offered at the church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– Can share a note, note someone positive attributes, say hi.
– Does an act of kindness repeatedly can build a friendship or a strong relationship?
– Sometimes once you have a strong relationship, if you don’t see each other for over a yr. and you reunite, that friendship is easy to respond.
– Many of those who have received acts of kindness in return may be prompted to show kindness to others.
– If you want to be good at something you need to practice such as showing signs of kindness.
– Muscle memory is when someone has worked hard to learn a skill that will create muscle memory when it can be automatic. In kindness, we practice we can become a kind person.
– Practice makes permanent.
– In a negative way, one learned how to play a piano piece with flaws and accepted those flaws. Now they play the song years later and even though they are a better piano player they still play that with old flaws.
– Come up with goal what is a small and simple habit that you can do to support that goal.
– Want to live with God again:
– Apply obedience
– Believe you are capable of achieving your goals
– Compassion toward others
– Dedication consistently
– Each day same a strong effort
– Faith
– Greet others with a Christian attitude
– Healthy in the body contributes to healthy in spirit
– Invite the Holy Ghost
– Judge not others
– Kindness
– Love freely
– Mentioned blessings
– Never forget the end game
– Obedience
– Prayer
– Question goals on a private conversation
– Respect others
– To stop a bad habit you must replace that habit with a good habit. The replacement needs to serve the same purpose. One example of a habit is one might change wanting more than one Netflix show by calling a friend to prevent binging.
– Brigham young: our lives are made of little circumstance that amounts to a great deal when they are brought together and sum up a great man or woman.
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