Timp Tellers had an excellent workshop this month by presenter was Kip Meacham. He is a professional speaker. He gave us ideas on how to improve our banding and marketing for storytelling. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
In a most horrible situation, some will say that the situation can create a great opportunity. Kip said to think about the story of a man wanting to help others. With that goal, you are able to extend their reach. He referred to Dan Harman who talked about a person who goes up a tree and comes down that tree as a different person. When you have your customer as the hero of the story, all win. Monetization is making money with your passion. You need to know your why and persuade others who have the same interests. What have you done to tell the story of what you want to do? Your story is because of your why?
The beauty of the internet creating and running a business at zero cost. If you stay fearful, you will not advance. Quash your fear by increasing your understanding of the business you pursue.
When stuck, do not think of how but think of who can help and mentor you. Who do you admire? Study what they do and duplicate them with your own slant. Analyze their website and their emails. Deconstruct what they do and emulate. Kip also had some links to share with us.
– Check out dan haran hero’s journey. 17 min video. I found this source: Every Story is the Same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuD2Aa0zFiA&t=8s
– Video: Start with why — how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA
– Lore is an award-winning, critically-acclaimed podcast about true life scary stories. https://www.lorepodcast.com/about/
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