Tips for starting a screenplay or graphic novel


These are some notes from a writing conference. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.

1. Establish the genera of your script.
2. introduce our main characters
3. Clarify the world he or she will exist in
4. Introduced the themes or message you want to present
5. Set up the central conflict or dramatic situations. What is at stake?
Other advice:
 Know the screenplay/graphic novel format:
 The screenplay is a blueprint for not only to tell a visual story but also for shooting a film.
 Decision makers look for certain things as they choose scripts.
 Screenwriters create for two audiences:
 The department heads making the film.
 The people who will be watching the film at home or in the theater
 The writer of a screenplay has very little control over the end product.
 Graphic novel and comic books write create for two audiences:
 The artist who will be creating the visual aspect of the comic book.
 The people who will be reading the comic book or graphic novel
 Create characters who are representatives of your imagination, people you know, have known, and/ or people that you’re aware of in real life.
 DO not create characters based on other films you’ve seen or comic books that you’ve read.
 Read as much as you can.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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