This is a continuation of my notes about self-editing, offered by by Talsa Sainz.
Narration: don’t break character. That includes the narrator. They are a narrator.
Voice: passive: the pie was eaten by the man.
The man ate the pie
The jar is filled with sand.
Sand filled the jar.
Narration: passive voice
The narration was/were
Beware of the ING
The guard was swinging (no was plus with ing) the guard
The guard swung his sword.
Tense: present simple, past single, future, past
Narration: point of view. Keep it consistent.
Function: sticky sentences: The more you say the less they remember.
Substances: prepositions: in on of
Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or yet, so
Articles: the, an, a
Happens when there are a lot of prepositions in a row.
Dialog: beats. Characters actions between bits of dialog.
You cannot see that boy anymore” her father slammed his hand on the table.
Dialog: Said, asked, replied, yelled whispered.
Use said as much as possible.
Words that can be used as verbs: exclaimed, divulged, disclosed.
Dialog names: don’t have your characters; overuse each other’s name in the dialog.
It shows that you don’t trust the reader.
Dialog: what to look for
Quotation marks
All dialog tags
Check for beats
If the dialog does not bring the story forward delete it
Text analysis: Google: text analyses
Word count
Most common words
Average sentence length,
Average word length
Simplify of language
How to color the words:
CTR F drop down,
Select advance find.
Put in Word in replace.
Go to
Click on the whole word only.
Font >highlight in red.
And replace all.
Do you have something to add? If you do, please respond in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.