These are notes from a finance class offered at church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
– John 10:10:
– Spencer Kimble: the church and its members are commanded by the Lord to be self-reliant and independent.
– Marion G Romney: Without self-reliance, one cannot exercise these innate desires to serve. How can we give, if there is nothing there?
– Abundant life meets our needs, have positive experiences. Joy in life.
– How has God’s gave giving you an abundance of life: through his grace has blessed us with the promise of eternal life.
– Grace can help us in our perspectives in determining what our needs are and or our wants.
– Dc 104:15
– Dc 29:34
– How can one tell they are better on self-reliance? They feel they can serve others and not just being served.
– Financial stewardship success map>
1. Pay tithes and offerings.
2. Protect your family from hardship
3. Eliminate debt
4. Save and invest for the future
5. Continue to give and bless others.
– A sense of peace when we face a challenge.
– Homework: first presidency letter and undlerlin3 premised blessings.
– Matthew 25:21 parables of the talents.
– Every dollar fee budge app
– Mint: free ignore ads
– YNA B: costs
– Challenges in a budget:
– Keep track
– Managing cash
– Saying no to fun that you can’t afford.
– Justify: this has been a hard week.
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