Writing fantastical fantasy


These are notes I swapped with another note taker at life the universe and everything. That way, we get notes from other panels we may not have attended. The panelists are: Brandon Mull, Jo Walton, Todd McCaffery, Jessica Day George, Charlie Holmberg

  • Start with either a setting or a character.
  • I say start with a character; it’s easier to know the main desire of the characters. Without that desire, the book will fall flat no matter which awesome elements you incorporate into it.
  • You tell stories in the holes made by your story. No, that’s not a grammatical error. Moiraine from the Wheel of Time tells amazing stories while living inside one.
  • You don’t have to have your entire world fleshed out, get enough done that helps you start your writing process. It’s fun and exciting when your characters discover new territories alongside the author.
  • You can find your stories in the cracks. Ask the what if’s.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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