Here are some notes from church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- There are times when those who have not been meek and have suffered. Others who were blessed for their meekness.
- Captain Moroni balled out a Nephi leader for not providing support to the army. The leader did not get defensive. He told Moroni the truth (civil unrest). When he communicated with Moroni he was not angry for the false charges. He firmly and meekly explained the real circumstances.
- People hear about meekness and they think it is a weakness. Elder Beldor says it is courageous, not overbearing. Meekness acknowledges the positive abilities of others.
- Christ had the power to avoid his suffering. He did not stop the process. Luke 22:42 let this cup pass but they will be done.
- The Lord’s willing submission and self-restraint if an example.
- Meekness is the willingness to listen to the Holy Ghost.
- Meekness is the protection of pride.
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