These notes are from the writer’s conference of life the universe and everything. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Knows your audience.
- Twisting the expectation at the end. Twist something familiar in a new way.
- Bad pool: funny movie
- Check out hitch hider’s guide.
- Terry Pratchett: check out.
- The payload is at the end must give time to digest the joke and respond.
- Kevin heart: spider breakdown look up
- Comedy = tragedy plus time.
- Pulp fiction: movie
- Know what you are trying to accomplish.
- Make sure that comedy does not take away the tension
- Annihilation is a husband and wife making a baby. YouTube
- The humor code: book
- How far is too far is too far? After the first draft put it down and get beta readers. If they do not laugh cut
- The first person is the most intermit voice to hear.
- Jimmy Fallen let himself laugh and it’s funnier.
- Comedy and humor create an unexpected.
- A joke often takes the tension away. So be careful where you place humor.
- The first joke you think of will not necessarily be the best joke. Seek differently.
- Some jokes fail
Do you have something to add? If you do, please respond in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.