These are more notes from my weight loss class. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker and I don’t know how to spell certain words.
- Article: what 2,000 calories looks like. New York Times.
- Eating out restaurants, ordering out, fast food, work cafeteria, eating at a friend’s house.
- Challenges:
- Overeating,
- Portion size,
- How it’s cooked.
- Cooked with butter.
- Sauces with the meal.
- Huge servings. Some will split their meal.
- Look at the menu online and order and see what they order.
- Some businesses give a salary cou8nt.
- Chains restaurants of 20 plus are required to show calories
- We have the challenge of portion sizes.
- We have little activity by riding cars and car washes
- Foods cooked in deep fry.
- We are often serviced by multiple courses.
- The social challenges of getting chips and dip appetizer.
- Restaurants that do not have calorie info. (May have to make the best guess.)
- Never think never to eat out again.
- Eat something that is just one small candy bar.
- Pay attention to your vulnerabilities.
- Some can’t keep certain foods in our house. Maybe
- Maybe eat a banana before I go home so that I am not so hungry when I get home.
- Why we eat out?
- They cook better.
- No dishes.
- Don’t have to cook
- Sometimes after a long day eat out as a reward for surviving the day.
- Eat out to be with friends or date or special occasions.
- Set a goal that I can eat so many times a week.
- Plan time to eat out and not shoot from the hip.
- maddock in Ogden> steakhouse.
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