Basic nutrients and metabolism Part 1


These are notes from my weight loss class. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker and I don’t know how to spell certain words.

Nutrition 101:

  • Celery is the amount energy to raise one cubic certiamal of water to 1 degree cescisiu.
  • 3500 calories in a lb.
  • The national weight control register monitors people who lost 10 % of their weight.
  • You need to watch that when you eat too mythic calories you have to work it off with extra exercise. Other you will consider exercise as a punishment.

Ways to take in lesser calories.

  • Looking at portions, measuring
  • Use seasonings like Italian season instead of salt.
  • Eat a lot of raw vegetable and fruits.
  • Sometimes eat vegetables (already prepared) and other fruits and vegetables before eating sandwiches. Can make you full.
  • Put ranch dressing into light sour cream to replace. Use that instead of regular dressing.
  • Choose less fattening meat to eat.
  • Tracking calories can also
  • Eat granola Clintons. Put in a half cup of milk.
  • One person used to drink a lot of milk now half cup milk.
  • Dairy gold (at Costco and WinCo) good flavor cottage cheese. 2#
  • Grills bring better flavor of foods.
  • Doing more cooking at home rather than eating at a restaurant still taste good but you control the ingredients.
  • Try not to drink your calories. Less milk etc.

Ways to burn calories:

  • Get up and move during breaks.
  • Going up and down steps rather than the elevator.
  • Yard work is a good way to be busy.
  • Load dish waster one plate and one fork at time and squat each time you put something in.
  • Watch TV on a treadmill.
  • Lunges during every commercial or other exercises.
  • One person does a different exercise as defined by a deck of cards. Cars have you do something different.
  • Walking a pet.
  • Dedicate and plan time to take a walk at work.
  • Calories are not the only thing we get from food. Water, nutrients.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Body loves to burn carbs.
  • Wheat, rice, potatoes, bread.
  • Some people say they have a harder time with constamatison when n a low carb diet.
  • Complex carbraibates: whole grain etc. and has more fibers. Keep you going longer. Chose these ore often
  • Simple carb. More sugar is simple burn through it more quickly. Sweets and white bread are examples.
  • Starch veg: corn, potatoes, winter squash (hard shell) yams, peas,
  • Starchy veg are pastier.
  • Maybe cut back vegetable like not having two starchy vegetables in the same meal.
  • There are a lot of nutrients from a mix of carbohydrates.
  • My fitness pal: does not specify added sugar and natural sugar. Natural sugars are fine.


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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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