Because of my transactions


These are notes from a church. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.

  • Moses 6:48-49 man became carnal.
  • We may be saved from spiritual death by obeying God’s laws.
  • There are 3 definite events of lord’s program. 3 pillars of eternity. The Creation, grateful for the fall and grateful for the atonement. All three are essential.
  • Moses 5:1-9, 12: Adam and Eve heard the Lord from the Garden of Eden. Alter made to represent God. Had Adam and Eve not fallen they would not have been able to have children.
  • Moses 5: 10-15 were it not for our transgression we would not have had seed.
  • Dalen oaks: eve’s act was a glorious necessity.
  • The fall was an example of free agency
  • King Benjamin, Everything comes from God (this could even be considered the eternal plan.
  • Everyone has their Paul moment when he was Saul, the persecutor until he changed his life. We need to be able to accept that Paul into the Christin community when he joins.
  • A lot of people who have been away from the church feel like the odd person out and it is very hard for them to come back and feel a part of the group.

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About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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