I attended a presentation by the founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rose. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- During the cold war, the US saved 3 yrs of grain for all citizens of the US.
- US government did not want to protect us but buy bullets to control us.
- The winning of the election was a battle not a war. People against him are Democrats, globalists and include many Republicans.
- When your guy is for power, you don’t care about the constitution or care about the rule book.
- Obama turned all the TSA and rules that were against terrorism created by Bush and turned them against the US citizens.
- To the TSA and shadow government, we are considered the enemy.
- Top of the dung heap: globalist list with their agents. After that radical left. They are against us
- We are in a civil war.
- Trump rode the wave, live a surfer, on the emotions of the core of America who want to preserve the original United States.
- Both legal and non-legal immigrants are being told to not integrate into US society. They’re being taught to hate America and to love their homeland. By the left.
- Communism is the most destructive theology on earth.
- No matter why you do they will demon you.
- Refuse fascism: the founder is a billionaire
- The radical left is showing their true colors.
- Article: unholy alliance between Marcus and radical Islam Note sure if this video is related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNq7jTP_2sw
- Three-headed monster Islamists, national globalist and the radical left.
- We need to protect Western states.
- The Spanish civil war can be compared to our potential history.
- Go to oath keeps, to watch document on oath keepers. https://www.oathkeepers.org/
- In schools and college of the US, we are labeled as oppressive.
- Must ensure that the President follows the constitution. If you don’t object you lose the moral high-ground. If we don’t who will?
- Trump is surrounded by globalists.
- The people/ citizens are responsible for the homeland security, not the NSA.
- Trump fan may not be aware of all the issues you are but you can touch on things that are important to them. Guns rights> ask why is the government dictating what reasons we can use.
- If you accept the jurisdiction of government regulating drugs then you open the door to their control over everything and ignore the commerce clause.
- We should expect the perfect storm, chaos where the US will struggle. Solution bound together as communities. Founding fathers > said melicia is the way to maintain security. Local melisha.
- Early America all men were responsible to answer the call of the local sheriff to support the sheriff.
- Good guys always outnumber the bad. But they don’t help if they are alone in their homes and disorganized.
- You must provide local protection against corrupt police forces and government.
- Marine core helped the citizen defend themselves.
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