These are notes from a talk at church.
Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- D&C 64:9-10 We are required to forgive all man
- Knowing we are forgiven can help us move forward in our lives.
- God knew when we enter an imperfect world we will conduct sin. God gave us the gift of forgiveness.
- Forgiveness is a way to have our past not dictate our lives. Br. Sorson.
- Something we think that if we forgive, that person will get away with what they did. God will be their judge.
- Forgiveness does not come automatically just because you have the desire. Christ atonement can heal your broken heart.
- We should never to be too proud to apologize for something we’ve wrong. We should also not be too proud to forgive.
- One lady was documenting faults of her husband was causing a negative spirit. It took time to remove the list but she felt increased love afterward toward her husband.
- There are various levels of wrongs between family relationships. In all cases use forgiveness to find harmony in our homes and find peace and harmony in our hearts
- We need to be more empathetic and patient.
- We are all living imperfectly and that may help us forgive others.
- Saul was an intense persecutor of Christ’s followers. Once he was shown his wrongs. He repented and became one of the most devout followers of Christ.
- To forgive is not to condone. We do not rationalize their behaviors. We can gain greater understanding and peace that we can see with a wider perspective.
- Consider people who have offended you and work on forgiving them.
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