Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Formerly owned a shooting range business.
- Did not vote for the Hamman? Bill.
- Pro bear ears bill and we can still protect the land. The management of the area should be controlled by local people.
- Emery county swell has an undiscovered beauty.
- Need to see about enable broadband over Federal land to help the growth of the business.
- Websites: There are two of them one for the campaign: johncurtis.org the other for government use. They serve two different purposes.
- Had some serious conversations with the Navajos. More work needs to be done.
- Committee assignments: He may be on three committees. He gave a list of more so some committees may be combined in purpose: Small business, excessive regulations, foreign affairs (he lived in Taiwan and China), natural resources, energy and public lands.
- Representatives vote 6 times a day.
- Provo city lawsuit: an outside firm did the vetting for the chief of Police. There ‘may’ have been a relationship between office and woman ‘may’ have been consensual. At the time he, as Mayer, he did not have access to all the information about the Sherriff that later came out.
- 90% of bills passed are bipartisan.
- A suspension bill gives the ability to bypass rules and to vote on a bill by 2/3 which can move a bill forward at a faster rate.
- Want gun advocates to find solutions that will not compromise the second amendment. Want them to be part of the discussion and to make a difference.
- Omanis bill has in its funding to stop school violence. It has a grant for teachers to be trained for the warning signs of troubled youth.
- The background check system is broken.
- Working on a law that requires different agencies must load data into the national database within a certain time frame. If gun stores don’t get a reply to a query in three days they will sell a gun to a customer.
- Due process: police have a way to take guns from problematic citizens.
- Voted against Omanis bill and budget hikes.
- While Mayer of Provo he approached the employees to find ways to cut the budget. They came up with great solutions.
- How Congress works> bills are sent from Congress to the Senate where those bills are ignored and they write their own. He wants procedures to go back to what it was.
- IDIA: special education is underfunded.
John is only one of four candidates for this postion. I have not yet obtained sufficnet information on the others to post. this is a work in progress.
links sent from John’s email.
2nd Amendment
Tax Reform
Spending Bills