These are from the writer’s conference of life the universe and everything. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- Need to see what the similarity is between your two careers and how they are different ie: performant in front a live audience and performing on a radio broadcast.
- One person thought movies were in three acts. Discovered that they are actually four. The middle act is actually divided into two.
- Learn from past mistakes
- Go to conventions and conferences in the field you are interested in.
- It’s about networking.
- One agent observed. At one conference I told twenty people to send me your first three chapters. But only one author actually did so. The authors let their insecurities get in the way.
- Do what you like.
- Find the time when you are most productive in your craft. If it is from 8:30 am to 1 pm then schedule our day to always have that time devoted to your craft.
- You need to prioritize items by importance.
- You also need external deadline as it can help you write. That might be a writing group deadline or a contest.
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