My continued notes from my weight control class.
- For weight loss exercise 90 min a day
- Add variety to your exercise otherwise, your body gets used to the current exercise. Increase exercise at a faster pace, larger tilt in the treadmill. Build intensity. If you don’t increase the intensity then increase the time.
- Some people will exercise a twice a day.
- If you can’t exercise one day, then work extra another day to keep 150 min goal.
- Unload the dishwater and put them away one at a time and did squat when putting away each dish.
- Others will exercise their arms with band stretches while exercising.
- Watch a favorite TV show and used cue cards and curing the commercials would play a card and a certain type of card and do three types of exercise for the number three.
- If you don’ see your weight loss take heart on how better our close fits better.
- Exercise with a buddy provided accountability
- My fitness pal can help you monitor how much exercise burns calories.
- You can start to see you are getting stronger.
- Maybe track inches and not just your weight.
- Use monitoring and counting as a tool not make you beat yourself up about.
- Low fitness is a significant factor in an early death as well as smoking, high blood pressure diabetes and high cloistral.
Do you have something to add? If yes, please provide your contribution in the comment section of this blog. What has worked for you?