Meet and Greet Sat, March 24th


Most of the tables were dedicated to county candidates and sheriffs. I talked to the following people and took notes.

Dr. Mike Kennedy running against Brad dew who is our rep.:

  • Constitutional conservative,
  • object to tax rise.
  • 12 yrs. of Brad is enough.

Info on three senator candidates.

Chris Harrold: talked to a rep or maybe him.
– USA citizens priority.
– uphold const.
– support veterans.
– pro wall border.
– What liked about Hatch? his first term. Kenney always won out over Hatch.
– Founder of Utah tea party asked for advice on how to create a local organization.

is part of the Patrick Henry organotin.

Jeremy Lewis Friedeaum :
– we should have 29 state senators, one for each county.
– told me about state del facebook pg.

Loy Brunson:

  • chief of staff of Regan recommended him.
    – Against Fed reserve.
    – worked with mike lee.
    – wrote book 7discvoery of the constitution.


About Melva Gifford

Melva is an author and storyteller.
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2 Responses to Meet and Greet Sat, March 24th

  1. Ruth Wilder says:

    Thank you for posting your notes. I am particularly interested in the Senate race. Your notes about the Senate candidates helped me solidify my support of Mitt Romney. He is a good man who can bridge the gap between the extreme Right and the Extreme Left so that maybe Congress can actually begin to do something. We need people in Congress that will vote for the good of the Country not the good of any party. I believe Romney is one such person