My continued notes from my weight control class.
– Frosted mini-sheets and put in a zip lock
– Some may have someone hold the bag of treats.
– Some people eat really fast. And people don’t have the time to feel the full sign.
– Get the take-home box as you get the meal and divide it up. Early in the meal.
– Track your meal before you eat. Treat it like your checkbook and see what your balance is.
– Have a breakfast so that you don’t feel famished later in the morning and hog the food.
– Food journals make us more aware of what we are doing and to monitor our actions that may lead to what leads up to those behaviors.
– We have the temptations to put thoughts and attitude into other’s minds that they may not feel about us.
– My fitness pal: software
– Motivation is an influence on our behavior. We need to choose a strong motivator one may think just to be skinny is a motive but a strong motivation is wanting to be around for your kids.
– Reinforcement: we do think for what it gives us. An example: want to spend more time with your family. maybe get involved in preparing the meal and you can still achieve your eat goal and involve them preparing the meal.
– If it is a bad behaver we need to see how to stop the chain. Ident a behavior you want to change next week and fill out behavior chain for next week. Put in all the triggers that lead up to that behavior.
– How can you break that chain? There is a list of alternative to eating.
– One may walk the dog instead of eating ice cream
Do you have something to add? If yes, please provide your contribution in the comment section of this blog. What has worked for you?