A Q and A session about Toastmasters


I took notes during the TM conference. Any inaccuracies are the fault of the note taker.

  • Lead by example: see what members’ goals and interests
  • How to be an effective mentor and establish a relationship: need to assess what the member is wanted to get out of the program. Everyone approaches Toastmasters from a different angle. We need compassion on their ability to engage in the program. Get initial interest and then as they attend check their status. Ask them about their speech progression. Acknowledge their success. Everyone is amazing for even trying.
  • Most important a charismatic a leader possess: integrity, you talk the talk you need to walk the walk. Set the example for people. You need to be early to meetings, prepared and ready to go.
  • Be honest with people. Be staring forest. Be honest on reviews. Be compassionate and kind. As a leader, you can think what you like but you can’t’ always say what you want. On a new member be kind and be encouraging and kind to new members. Be the person you should be.
  • When you’ve reached the high level of leadership what do you learn now? Keep track of member and see how they are doing. Inspire members to advance higher into Toastmasters and work on leadership and advance communication.
  • Common mistakes leaders make: as we embrace change we tend to over explain our reasons you need to look for the next step of progression.
  • Resources to seek on advance leadership: as you meet members, think of how they might be good in future leadership.
  • If you’re trying to do it all alone you’re doing it wrong. Need to access scope of resources past members who held positions directors, and mentors and fellow members. 3 different levels of leadership. A. a club member. B. district leadership will stretch you. C. international level. You can grow in that level and take advantage of all those resources. D. speechcraft:
  • How to address a leader who becomes a little Napoleon and takes over everything. While someone doing mentor sit with someone supported her and the member did the work under the mentoring of the leader.
  • Here is the perspective of tiles in the organization; the titles represent credential of what that person has accomplished. It is an acknowledgment of our own growth. When getting praise for your title that is a great time to acknowledge those who have helped and motored you. As a leader maintain an attitude of gratitude. When people do things for others as they have you. Pass it on to future leaders.
  • When meeting a person for the first time what do you do when meeting that person: look at their eyes and figure out what they are thinking? What are they feeling? Take an interest in the other person. Ask the person a question and they have a chance to talk.

Do you have something to add or suggest? If you do, please respond in the comment section.

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