Here is more great writing advice from Life, the Universe, and Everything. The theme of the presentation is Going beyond the cliche.
- Within the plot: <Horror> using genre troupes: college kids go to a cabin in the woods and die. Run by a scientist. The team says don’t split up. Drugs in the system make them think differently and the split up.
- When you present a story or a series, your readers are expecting a formula. Buffy: is a monster a week formula. May have a variety to be an original idea. Buffy TV show as a musical still follows formula by having a musical.
- A remake of Much To Do About Nothing: pierce weeden. Josh weeden. The story opens with a nightstand as the beginning. The backstory changes the way we viewed the story.
- horrible: tells the story as a musical. And he tells the story as a blog.
- When you tell a story you want to involve the audience but you want to involve yourself. It can til reflect with the modern time that taps into both times. Or your unique perspective.
- TV show, Angle, has some good examples of uniqueness YouTube has scenes to watch.
- Readers that expect a formula you want to escalate the story and make it better.
- Firefly: when our main characters want to arrange a return payment first guy rejects the refund. they kill him. Next guy accepts the refund
- If you use a cliché use if for a reason. If our’ going to use a cliché; the make put a unique twist on it like a bad guy wears polish.
- A good example of using a cliché is in the incredible. Villain says. You caught me monolog again.
- You can have where a certain switch is expected to go and you have it go a different direction.
- With each character, everyone has a secret. Another person has something they don’t want know but it could go back to the story.
- You could flesh out their backstory to see why they’re motivated.]
- Make them evolve into something.
- Make stereotype characters be your own.
- The more secrets you give your character. We get new secrets in every single book. People love a slow reveal. Some secrete can be fun.
- Make sure your villains believe in what they are doing.
- Make familiar character stereotype your own. Make characters just people.
- Terry Pratchett: give a cliché a reason to be there. Heroes always let the villain escape. Provides job security. Villains have to hire dumb hirelings. Get higher rated by dumb followers. Check out the book: the last hero.
- On Angel tv show, Harvengere is the guy who shares a warning. Harvenger is still on speakerphone.
- Arms dealer: made him like a businessman: regular office factory is below. Pictures of a family on the desk. He offers candy to visitors. I only work with the head of your company.
- There are YouTube videos of clichés.
- Check out
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