Find your voice and change your world


These are notes I took at the Toast Masters’ conference. I thought I’d share. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.


  • A good speech can raise you higher and a bad speech can drop you lower.
  • Fear is the four letter word that we face throughout our lives.
  • Meaning of FEAR: False evidence appearing real.
  • We fear people won‘t like and judge us. They feel we look foolish. Not being prepared or your mind goes blank.
  • Speaking is you either. Use it or lose it.
  • In the Wizard of Oz: the wizard is not to be feared. It’s an old man with a microphone.
  • As you work on finding your fear is the way to push through the next level. You need to tell your real story.
  • We usually like to tell things that are going well in our lives.
  • When you have a detachment from the hard thing in our life and process them and put them into a speech, it can move your speech to truly finding your voice.
  • At every opportunity to advance in speech or leadership say yes.
  • Take the next step. It may create anxiety. Toastmasters stretch our potential.
  • TM stretches comfort zone but never your hazard zone. You will always have people encourage you and support you.
  • Many toast masters use their skills for business and community work.
  • President of General Electric said: take control of your destiny or someone else will.

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