These are notes from church. A husband and wife team gave talks on the same subject. Any inaccurate info is the fault of the note taker.
- A testimony is like a plant if you don’t nurture it will die.
- Involve God in your life; he will strengthen your opportunities.
- If we open our hearts and obey the commandments the Holy Ghost will strengthen our testimony.
- President Monson says: (paraphrase) most of you are taught the trust of the gospel since being a toddler. The truths were implanted to help you gain a testimony. You believed what you taught. The testimony continues to grow it is up to live your life to build on it.
- The spiritual experiments are sticks and flame to the fire of a testimony. Open our hearts and let the Holy Ghost in. it will strengthen our testimony.
- We must be continually converted to the gospel: a testimony without conversion can slowly die.
- Elder Belnor: being converted to the lord. Helemen 15:
- Believing In the teachings.
- Exercising faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Repentances. Believe a mighty change of heart. Faith, exercise the path. A combination of active and passive steps.
- knowing that heavenly father lives, know that he loves us. Knowing Jesus Christ saved us and knowing that the church was restored.
- How has your life changed with the knowledge that Christ is there?
- The first question of the temple interview: do you believe God is real? (Paraphrased)
- Continually ask God to confirm he is there.
- People involve him in their lives by conversing with him during the day.
- Knowing that Gods love us. Hopefully, you recognize he also loves other people. You can learn to value others as children of God.
- Knowing Jesus Christ is our savior. He helps when no one else would. He performed the atonement which enabled him to understand us. To be fully converted, we need to do something active about our testimony give up our sins, pray daily and put him in our hearts.
- Know that the gospel has been restored to us in the latter day.
- President Monsoon (paraphrase) “each one of us has the responsibility for himself or herself that this gospel of Jesus Christ is true. … When we have such knowledge it is up to us what to do with it. One way to make it active is to learn other topics of the gospel.
- One person was not happy of Hinckley replacing President Hunter. So she read his talks and implemented the teaching he taught and she gained a testimony. She gained the testimony of President Kimball.
- President Snow: all may have a testimony… this gospel was a heaven-born institute… An honest-hearted man may gain a knowledge of this work. (Paraphrase) Everyone can do the same and become equal to me in knowledge.
- As we act on our current testimony we build on more testimony
- Building a testimony is returning to the basics repeatedly.
- Nothing is insignificant to God. It if is important to you it’s important to him.
- If you have hard challenges in your life, use them to grow.
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