Here is more great writing advice from Life, the Universe a, d Everything. Any misinformation is the fault of the note taker.
- You lose the trust of the writer. Not have anything to take you out of the world.
- An acronym is something does not fit the time period.
- Bering right is important to authenticity.
- You don’t want to get emails from readers who want to correct you.
- Anything in your book needs to have something.’
- Sources: internet:
- Us nation archives, < refer to flyer>. Has free pictures that you can use because they are government owned. Have lesson plans. And can give additional places to look.
- Wikipedia: is not trustworthy. They have been trying to clean up their act. They also have keywords that might work in other databases. Those words may help you find.
- Different states have their own museums.
- Specialty places: poisons, British buss, male clinic.
- Google maps: can find all kind of things. You can go down actual streets. You can be accurate on
- how to describe a place.
- Good map school.
- Books: old books. Amazon books. Have a look inside you don’t have to buy the book.
- Can buy used books for a great price.
- People who you know. You can also network with your friends of who they know.
- When you go on a tour and cozy up to the tur guide and they may give info.
- Ask employees bout a company
- Professors at university to talk to people.
- Pump your critique groups
- Libraries: buy used books. City libraries: staff of a library can direct you to places to help.
- Libraries have inter-library loan.
- University libraries: go to the library. Can talk to subject matter expert. Each director over an area in college libraries has two degrees.
- College libraries have a database that is provided by co. to lists of books and articles on various topics, (text and pictures).
- Academic papers have been check 5 times of accuracy.
- Copy right law for your personal research is ok.
- Learn from your own experience. When you do something take pictures.
- Travel to different places and different geological sites can be good fodder for your book.
- Be full of wonder. You will ask what if?
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